Getting started…

Vinay Kudari
1 min readJul 21, 2018

Hey 😃 Bored of watching video lectures? Tired of doing courses which have almost the similar content, introduction to ….. stuff? or need a bit revision of the key concepts? Welcome, you are at the right place. I have been in your shoes sometime back, so I had thought to pen down the summary of hours of video lectures, days of discussions, and months of practice. So here it is hacking-datascience for you.

I was introduced to machine learning by my aunt during the 7th semester of my undergrad college, since then (8 months until today) I have been taking online courses, reading books, also taking advice from experts. I’ll try to summarise my learning and highlight the key concepts which are often missed in majority of the intro courses. I’ll keep on adding stuff to the stories as I encounter.

Feel free to contact me for any queries, suggestions.

