Are you looking for your lost confidence and warmth in life?

We Wake Tiwari
Hacking Happiness
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3 min readFeb 23, 2021

In the past few months I have watched a lot of documentaries, talks and have also met and conversed with a lot of people to understand their internal struggles.

In the process I have found that being locked away has taken a toll on their confidence level, they have lost the warmth and positivity in their life, and there is a very simple reason behind all this. The reason is zero human connection, uncertainty in life and minds natural tendency to grasp negativity.

As we have discussed before as well that it is easier to clutch onto a negative emotion and feeling, but really difficult to look at the positive side of things when there is uncertainty in life.

This tendency of our mind can become really troublesome when we all are working from our homes and are interacting very less with our peers, friends or extended families.

We are termed as social animals for a very specific reason and being social and interacting in person is the part of our existence. When this social aspect is taken away from us, our mind tries to fill up the visual conversation and gestures communication part with assumptions and predictive intentions, and then starts the uncontrollable chain of thoughts which is mostly negative.

Why do we have negative thoughts, or why does our brain feeds us things which make us feel anxious or scared?

If we look at the core nature, our mind makes us feel anxious or scared for a very natural reason, which is to make ourselves alert of anything that might cause us harm.

This tendency of our brain to pick the negative context out of things is to help us prepare for the worst case scenario, as its job is to make sure that the body in which it resides in is safe and sound.

The problem occurs when we simply start paying heed to these warning thoughts and treat them as the ultimate truth.

How to regain your confidence and warmth in life?

First of all you must realize that you never loose your confidence or warmth in life, it just becomes dormant for the time being because of the negative emotions clouding your judgement and thought process.

Second, the first step to become confident again always starts with self-belief. You need to feel confident first. It can be really hard at times but every time you feel down, you will have to talk back to yourself and tell that you are capable and confident on the inside, that you are the best version of yourself and nothing can take that away from you.

Self-affirmations work wonders if done consistently for a long period of time. it is a trick to teach your brain to believe in the things you want to believe in the first place.

One of the most important things to consider working upon is to fighting back those negative thoughts which eventually lead you to an anxious state.

The best way to do that is to counter every negative thought with a positive outlook, whenever your brain tells you that things are going wrong, that people are not being nice to you, or that you are being hated by everyone or anything of that sort, simply step back of those thought loops and re-affirm yourself that it is just an assumption that your brain is holding onto.

When in doubt, always give other person the benefit of doubt. instead of accepting the negative outlook, replace it with a positive and more fulfilling thought. And I believe that if you keep doing it for a long time, you will not only have positivity filling all the voids in your life, but you will also have better and more trustworthy relationships with people around you.

The key is to be yourself.

Never try to fit in, simply try to communicate your feelings, be good to people, try to be helpful and kind and the universe shall be kind to you as well.

Live Laugh Love💓

