How to make right choices in life?

We Wake Tiwari
Hacking Happiness
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2 min readFeb 10, 2021

During one of the Q&A sessions with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar, one person asked Gurudev — I get stressed while making life choices, what should I do to make it easier for me to take life decisions?

Gurudev Answered-

First of all tell me, that why do you want everything to be easy in life?

Step up and accept some challenges,

because without challenges in life it would become very boring and bland.

haven’t you seen people climbing up the mountains and then jumping from top with hand gliders, that is a challenge,

some people want to scale the mount Everest, that is a challenge

Some would say I want to sail through the world,

All these are challenges, which keep life interesting and celebratory

You should also accept some small challenges in life.

The choice is never between good and bad,
There is never a choice between a cup of sand and water,
One will always choose water to drink out of the two

The choice can only be between water and juice, and both are important in life, so you should choose as per the situation and need.

What makes making decisions harder is the greed,
Greed of what will give me more joy out of the two,
when you give up the greed, you never mind choosing one over the other.

As I said the choice is never between good and bad because you already know, if something is bad, you shouldn’t choose it.

And when you don’t know what is good and what is bad.

Simply think — What is going to give you long term happiness and short term problems, and choose that over something, that will give you long term problems and short term happiness.

It is that simple.

Never be afraid of choices, but also don’t give up to the greed.

Live, Laugh, Love!💓

