How to overcome negativity in life?

We Wake Tiwari
Hacking Happiness
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2 min readFeb 13, 2021

The process of balancing life and coping with the negativity starts with the realization of 3 things

1st — That you really want to do it!
2nd — That You can do it!
3rd — That you are already doing it!

The regret of uncompleted tasks and unaccomplished goals is what wears us down and creates toxicity in our present life,

We keep on dangling between the guilt of missed deeds and anxiousness of uncertain future.

It is similar to the situation when one gets stuck in traffic, you can either accept the fact that you are stuck, and keep moving forward gradually with a happy mind or you can choose to grim over the traffic every few seconds and distort your mental peace, The choice is always ours, we don’t realize that.

Suppose there is a rotten apple in a basket and its stinking, you can either choose to simply say its stinking once and move on or you can keep on singing its praises like a song for many many hours,

when you choose to talk about the negative experiences of life, you are in a way filling your brain with negative contexts and thoughts, and when that is the case, when the input is negative in context, you can never expect happiness or good emotions as an output.

This is the basic principle or operation for everything around us, you water a plant with acidic water, it would never bloom but die eventually, but if you nurture it with care and proper nutrition, it will bloom for days and years to come.

The point is not that we always have to have positive emotions and aspect towards everything in life, that is not possible at all, there will always be bad phases and certain amount of negative influence around us.

but if we can practice and choose to spend minimum time analyzing and talking about negative things in life, the amount of its influence on our consciousness will also decrease.

The life becomes easier not when we never get angry or upset, but when we overcome that state of negative emotion in the shortest span of time. that is what real control is about.

And that is how you can truly overcome the state of negative existence in life.

Live, Laugh, Love💓

