Negativity in our lives and the role we can play to bring it down!

We Wake Tiwari
Hacking Happiness
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2 min readFeb 15, 2021

To overcome the negative thoughts in our heads, we first need to understand that how they take birth in the first place.

If we look closely we would find that people who are miserable in life are the ones who hold back to certain questions so dearly that they never even accept the answers to those questions.

They would simply keep hanging to those questions within their heads and would never want to arrive at a conclusion, it is as if they do not even want to come out of their state of misery.

We as a society and individual think that when someone comes to us with a question, we are entitled to answer it, but that is not the case most of the times. Most of the times, the person with the question simply wants you to acknowledge that he is in pain, that he has a question in his mind, simply doing this puts them at ease.

It makes them think that someone out there understands their state of mind and that they can be understood by other people too.

Condemning people is always easy but understanding their plight and their internal struggles is hard

Blaming someone is always easy, but trying to figure out the reasons behind their actions is really hard

Similarly, stereotyping someone is easy, but helping them break the barriers with full support from us is hard.

I believe that it is our duty to help people around us, everyone is going through a different hardship, everyone has their own demons to defeat, and the least we can do is listen to them, so that they can simply know that they are not alone.

In a world where everyone is screaming, it becomes even more difficult to be heard, it becomes even more difficult to be found, so lets stand up and make sure that we would lend our ears to a broken soul and would never try to judge a person without knowing the reasons behind his/her actions.

Lets try to cut down the negativity in the world by simply listening to each other.

Live Laugh Love💓

