Root cause of Depression and Anxiety in life.

We Wake Tiwari
Hacking Happiness
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2 min readFeb 9, 2021

Someone asked Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar that — What to do when everything around us starts to feel like a dream and superficial?

This is what Gurudev answered with-

When everything starts to appear superficial and dreamy, realize that you are waking up to the universe.

When we are really woken up, everything do appears to be a long dream, and that is the true reality.

When we all accept that everything around us is momentary and transactional we will wake up to a new paradigm of wisdom in life.

The life full of happiness and contentment.
The life with a bigger perspective.

When the life has no set goals, it feels empty and meaningless, and gives way to depression and anxiety.

But when you have bigger goals in life like, working to make this world and environment better than before, so that the planet is still healthy and livable when the next generation arrives, it will give you a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

The lack of direction and purpose in life is the root cause of depression and anxiety, and the simplest way to tackle this is to have a goal that supersedes your personal needs.

40% of the planet earth is depressed as per the recent survey by world economic forum.

Slowly the world has started recognizing Mental Health as a serious personal and societal concern and that is a very positive thing to begin with, but it is now time to act and not just contemplate the plans.

When we overcome our petty and personal issues and look at the bigger picture of the universe, we can take such huge steps which will not only heal mankind but will leave us all happier and satisfied.

Lets us not pay heed to the small peck of dust in our eyes which is blurring our vision of this grand universe, rather lets give way to the wisdom that we all behold and strive together towards a brighter tomorrow.

