Why be kind to people even when they are not to you?

We Wake Tiwari
Hacking Happiness
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2 min readFeb 25, 2021

Kindness has the power to make this world a more happy and fulfilling place.

Imagine everyone being kind to each other!
Imagine everyone helping each other fight their inner demons!
Imagine working with people who push you to be your best!
Imagine never feeling alone, or deprived of a reason to smile!

Imagine the support of a billion peoples!

I know it seems like an utopian thought, but, a state of existence starts with a simple thought.

And the point is not to reach out to a thousand peoples and spread positivity, but to be kind and positive to the people you are already connected with.

If I start being kind to people irrespective of their behavior towards me, I know it would be really hard at first, as some people would treat my kindness as my weakness but at the end of the day, I will feel happy about my own self, My conscious will be clean and I would definitely feel proud of myself when its time to part. — Always think it this way.

Out of my own experiences, I know that when you are going through a phase of mental breakdown your own deeds haunt you like nothing, you would look back in time and try to figure out what you did wrong and what was done with right intention. Anyone who has ever gone through a phase of depression would agree with me on this thought, as your healing always starts with making peace with your past first.

Having a clean conscious is a boon for your mental well being, and that is an eternal fact.

Kindness if infectious and so is rudeness.

You get to choose what you wish to spread more in the world around you.

Live Laugh Love💓

