Introducing Hacking Media

Interested in learning about software development in the audio, video and media space? Come join hacking media and learn together.

Braden Riggs
Hacking Media


Photo by Lewis Kang'ethe Ngugi on Unsplash

The Hacking Media publication aims to bring high-quality content relating to software development and research in the media space, be that video or audio correction software, data generation tools, visualization tools and so forth.

Publishing with Hacking Media

Currently, we are open to article submissions. If your article is in line with Medium’s terms of service and rules you can make a submission here.

You always own and control the rights to your content so feel free to remove or change publications as you please.

Editors and Publishers

Braden Riggs: Braden is a developer advocate with Dolby specializing in data generation and media post-production tools.



Braden Riggs
Hacking Media

Australian Data Scientist/Enthusiast | Developer Advocate@ | in/briggs599 | @BradenRiggs1