How to Use RealT with Argent

Hacking Money PH
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2020

RealT is probably one of the most compelling gateways into crypto.

If you’re completely new to them, RealT offers fractional real-estate on Ethereum, which enables some cool things like daily rent! I wrote about them in more depth here.

My family barely listened when I talked about crypto, but they actually paid attention when I explained how RealT worked! Who’s not interested in some fractional US real estate?

But, how do you explain Ethereum to a complete beginner who’s only interested in RealT?

Easy: you use Argent.

So what is Argent?

Argent is an easy-to-use wallet, with some unique features.

First, say good-bye to long seed phrases! You know, that long bunch of random phrases that you need to recover your wallet?

In Argent, the private key is stored on your phone, and all your funds are held in a smart contract. Being a smart-contract wallet enables some unique security features, like setting a daily transfer limit.

The recovery system is all done through Guardians, which could be a wallet you own, or you could appoint other Argent users as Guardians.

Not to mention, they have some great built-in integrations, and anyone can use them for free because Argent subsidizes the transaction fees!

Basically, you have an app with some slick UI. The recovery and security systems are very familiar and reminiscent of other financial apps. And the fact that you don’t need some crypto of your own to start?

It’s perfect for complete beginners. Like, really, who wants to explain gas?

Getting started with Argent

Do your research: Argent website / Argent blog post about their security / Argent support articles
What you need:
A smartphone, phone number, and email address

  1. Download the Argent app through the App Store or Play Store.
  2. Pick a username. Anyone can send funds to you using this username, and you can’t change it, so choose wisely.
  3. Input your phone number and email address. You’ll have to verify them both.

Before you add any funds, make sure to edit the security system. You can even test out restoring the app, although recovery will take 36 hours.

How to get your RealTokens in Argent

If you’re completely new with RealT, just sign up and use your new 0x address for their KYC. You can read more about the whole RealT experience here.

And fun fact: you can type in your browser to easily copy the address! Here’s their support article about it.

If you already have an account, you need to ask RealT to reopen KYC first. You need to get your new address whitelisted before sending your RealTokens over. I made the request on their official Discord, and it was finished really quickly.

Earning interest

So once you get your RealTokens in Argent, you’ll start getting rent the next day. And then you can start earning interest on that rent!

They currently have 2 integrations that allow you to earn interest: Compound and Aave. Using Compound or Aave have their own risks, so please take some time to educate yourself on them.

The integrations to earn interest are super easy to use, and yes, they really do cover gas fees!

  1. Head over to Finances. Choose where you want to get interest.
  2. Choose how much you want to deposit and confirm.
  3. Wait for the transaction to push through. This usually takes a minute.

Here’s a video of how quick it is! (Link to video tweet)

If you want to deposit again, just check Investments. Click on your initial deposit, and Top-up.

Final thoughts

I was hesitant about Argent for the longest time because I couldn’t believe it. They don’t need a seed phrase? They subsidize transaction fees?

Basically, I didn’t trust something to be that easy. 😂

But Argent delivers. And it looks so good! I personally love how it’s so easy to see and segment my activity.

I do think Argent still has some way to go, though. For example, all the info about security is just on their blog, and I don’t know why the app doesn’t have an explanation on how Guardians work.

But all in all, Argent’s power becomes apparent once you start using it, and I love the convenience of using it with RealT. I can get interest in just a few taps? Amazing.

Here’s to hacking our money.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Please always do your own research on different protocols and the risks involved with them.

