Meet Team Quantum | The team behind Beamery’s Candidate Portals

Verity Cherrez
Beamery Hacking Talent
6 min readDec 15, 2022

Hear from the team behind the innovations in Beamery’s exciting Fall Product Launch. Discover our new approach to personalizing the candidate experience, with new, AI driven, Candidate Portal.

Beamery’s Candidate Portals is the first candidate hub that enables ‘skills-based role discovery’, enabling job seekers and alumni to discover (and be matched with) the roles within an organization that suit their current capabilities, and to see what their future career path at that organization could look like if they joined. Candidate Portals also provide candidates with options to be shortlisted for in the future, so that when new roles open up they will receive alerts for jobs that are a fit for their skills.

While there are many people and teams that are always involved in delivering new products to our clients, we wanted to highlight one team in particular that will have a huge hand in delivering Beamery’s new Candidate Portals: Team Quantum.

More about Team Quantum

🪴 What’s the culture like in Team Quantum?

Open, collaborative, supportive and welcoming.

We love collaborating as a team and two of our group recently wrote an article explaining how we make pair programming a key part of our day-to-day work in Team Quantum.

It’s really important to us that everyone has a voice and is able to do their best work in a great environment, and we work hard as a team to openly discuss and improve not only our codebase, but also our ways of working every sprint.

🌟 What do you believe is the most exciting opportunity for Team Quantum?

Quantum is part of the Candidate Experience vector: we build products that our clients use to engage with their candidates.

We are revolutionising the candidate experience with the new Candidate Portals, which will enable hiring organisations to give their candidates a personalised career journey.

📖 What’s the story behind Beamery’s Candidate Portals?

Today, the candidate experience is impersonal and disconnected; Candidate Portals aims to change that.

Hiring organisations are currently forced to use multiple tools to move candidates through the hiring process and this leads to a poor experience, because candidates are often required to jump through multiple hoops before they apply to a job.

Firstly, it can be difficult for candidates to find a role that matches their skills. Then they may want to understand more about the culture and values of an organisation before applying. Once they’ve decided to apply, the experience is notoriously poor, often requiring candidates to fill out multiple long forms.

This all creates friction and means that even candidates who are keen to work for an organisation are put off by the experience of having to apply, which ultimately leads to them dropping out of the process.

This represents a big loss for hiring organisations as they spend high volumes of marketing budget to drive awareness of their employer brand and acquire candidates at the top of the funnel but it’s wasted if the candidate drops out because of a poor experience.

Our goal is to put the candidate experience all in one place, making it easy for candidates to find and apply for jobs, be alerted to new, relevant jobs, and most importantly have it all personalised to them.

Our belief is that by giving candidates a personalised career experience, organisations will be able to get high quality candidates into vacancies more quickly and impact our customers key metrics like reducing their time to hire.

⚙️ What sort of challenges did the team face in building out this product and getting it ready to launch?

The hardest part of any project is getting it off the ground. Moving quickly from having nothing to a fully candidate-ready version of the Candidate Portal has been a challenge but it’s crucial to enable us to test with real users and gather invaluable feedback to improve our product.

Candidate expectations are high and they, rightly, demand high quality experiences on any device they are using. In addition, our customers need Beamery’s tools to be tightly integrated so that they’re easy for their teams to set up and use alongside existing tools, like their career site.

Our team faced the challenge of how best to personalise the candidate experience to provide quality job recommendations to save people having to trawl through hundreds of irrelevant jobs or fiddle with annoying filters to narrow down to the job that they want to see.

Using Beamery’s powerful AI, we are able to provide recommended jobs to candidates as soon as they sign in, meaning they can save time having to search for the right jobs and get on with applying!

🧨 Why do you think Candidate Portals will revolutionise the candidate experience?

The needs of candidates have changed: they no longer just want a 9-to-5 but instead seek a career that is meaningful, which gives them purpose, with an organisation that shares their sense of values.

Candidate Portals allow hiring organisations to adapt to these needs by enabling them to provide a personalised career experience for candidates, and help them find the job that is right for them. It helps the hiring organisation to build a relationship with a candidate, by making it about them and giving them an experience tailored to their needs.

The Candidate Portal uses Beamery’s AI to power the experience by matching jobs to a candidate’s skills and experience, and even giving them a view of careers that match their skillset, but which they may have never considered. Candidates can also control how a hiring organisation interacts with them through a preference centre, which enables organisations to be more effective (and compliant) in how they communicate throughout the hiring process.

🚀 How do we see Candidate Portals evolving?

Candidates don’t just want a job, they want a career and a future. We want to give them the ability to not just find a role, but to map out their career at an organisation and see where the future could take them.

We believe that candidates are more likely to apply if hiring organisations provide a high quality candidate experience.

The candidate experience is not only about finding open vacancies. People are looking for more information about organisations than ever before, and want to know about the company’s culture to ensure it’s aligned with their own values. Finding the right job is a personal journey so we want to provide more control for hiring organisations to show the right content to the right people at the right time.

Providing the ability for candidates to control the communications they receive is no longer a ‘nice to have’ and in some regions is a legal requirement. Candidate Portals will provide a one-stop shop to allow candidates to set their communication preferences. For hiring organisations, this information will be deeply integrated into Beamery, to ensure that all candidate communications can be compliant.

Finally, we know how important it is to measure what is happening in the candidate journey and use that data to optimise the experience and improve metrics like time to hire. We plan for granular reporting to be a key part of the product so that employer marketers and leaders can understand what is and isn’t working and adjust accordingly.

We’re really excited about what the future holds for Candidate Portals and how Beamery can help drive better candidate experiences!

If you’re interested in joining our Engineering, Product, and Design team… We’re hiring! Check out our roles HERE

