CurationKit Lessons Syllabus

Sagi Shrieber
Hacking UI
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2017

CurationKit is a powerful toolkit & course to help you create and maintain a weekly curated links newsletter. Based on our (David Tintner and my) experience sending the Hacking UI weekly newsletter in the past 3 years.

This is the syllabus for the course part of CurationKit

  • If you would like to read more about it, check out all the details on
  • Have any suggestions? Stuff you’re missing here? let me know in the comments!

Here we go:

Lesson #1: The basics

  • What is a Curated links newsletter
  • Examples of both personal and company curated links newsletters that we love and follow
  • Our curation story with Hacking UI and why we believe a newsletter is the best to start off your brand and communicate with any audience as a brand
  • Why go for a curated links newsletter? (we have a couple of great answers for that)
  • Why once a week? Can it be less frequent?
  • A few words about audience and how to define it properly

Lesson #2: What should your newsletter be about?

  • Niching it down
  • Brand name VS your personal name
  • Choosing the name for your newsletter
  • Add personality to your curation: How to stand out, and make sure you’re building the audience that you want

Lesson #3: Time to get actionable! How to start your newsletter and get people to subscribe, even before your first send

  • How to start building an audience when you don’t have any audience yet
  • After this lesson, with its step-by-step guide, you’ll have a mailing list ready with a form, and people that start subscribing to your list.

Lesson #4: Set your template and send your first draft

  • We’ll share our own template with you.
  • We’ll talk about structure and show you around Mailchimp just a bit (you won’t have to use Mailchimp if you don’t want to).
  • By the end of this lesson you’ll have your newsletter template and your first draft ready!

Lesson #5: Time to set up the kit (multiple videos)

  • Working with Thought Leaders
  • Set up the script
  • Run the extension
  • The entire workflow
  • Sending links to buffer for social sharing

Lesson #6: How to actually sign up users and onboard them to your list

  • Creating a one pager (and examples for one pagers)
  • Medium: Upscribe, jpg
  • Hacks: TypeForm
  • Wordpress: MC4WP
  • Sign up flow

Lesson #7: How to handle advertising/ selling in your newsletter

  • Examples of ad spots and ways to sell
  • Keep it subtle (in-context ads)
  • Your own links or an advertiser’s

Lesson #8: Where to go from here (points for thought only)

  • Growing your list
  • Growth hacks to grow your list and our personal take on them (based on experience… and we have tried many tactics). We’ll talk about what works for us, and what tactics we think you should avoid to keep your list quality healthy
  • Podcast & other forms of content
  • Content upgrades

“Whether you’re an individual who wants to become an influencer, a startup that wants to dominate and become an authority in your niche, or a small business that would like to attract more clients. This toolkit & lessons — are for you!”

— Sagi & David, creators of CurationKit



Sagi Shrieber
Hacking UI

Designer, Entrepreneur & Tribe Builder. CEO at Contrast UX Design Agency. Founder of Commit First Podcast & Youtube Channel.