HUI Weekly Roundup #179: The evolution of design with culture thinking, The newsletter Revolution, Get influencers notice you

Sagi Shrieber
Hacking UI
3 min readJun 9, 2017


Curated on Thursday June 8, 2017 by Sagi Shrieber and David Tintner

Hey Hackers,

Yesterday night we had an amazing Master Class with Ayelet Batist, who gave some jaw dropping examples to what we can do with VR as UX designers. It’s pretty crazy. We recommend watching the replay.

Next week we’ll be doing 2 free online lessons:
Tuesday: The newsletter Revolution (with David)
Sign Up →
Wednesday: The many ways a newsletter will benefit you as a creative (with David & Sagi)
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So hope to see you there, and in the meanwhile, have an awesome weekend!

Yours Truly,
Sagi & David
Founders, Hacking UI

**** Follow Sagi Shrieber **** , **** Follow David Tintner ****

Links coming at you in 3,2,1…

Product Design


Toptal matches you with top developers and designers who are guaranteed to succeed
#HIRING by Toptal

The newsletter Revolution (Live webinar with David)
#WEBINAR by David Tintner

The many ways a newsletter will benefit you as a creative (Live webinar with Sagi)
#WEBINAR by Sagi Shrieber

Great article on why we should start thinking less in ‘Design Thinking’ and shift to ‘Cultural Thinking’
#CULTURE_THINKING by Damian Madray

In the future, design principles won’t be about design
#DESIGN_PRINCIPLES by Jerome de Lafargue

Your design tools don’t define you, but…
#DESIGN_TOOLS by Sagi Shrieber

How to turn UX research into results
#UX_RESEARCH by UX Mastery

Great example for a signup form UX represented in one screenshot
#SIGN_UP_FORMS by Chris Coyier

How to create a successful, high-conversion landing page

Color accessibility workflows

Creating landing pages that convert

UX for complex data design

Front End Development


How to get the most out of the JavaScript console
#CONSOLE by freeCodeCamp

Embarking on learning React

Aspect ratio boxes

Grid by example — Everything you need to learn CSS Grid Layout
#CSS_GRID by Rachel Andrew



The rise of audio & voice by Gary Vaynerchuk
#AUDIO by Gary Vaynerchuk

How long should your blog articles be? (with word counts for every industry)
#BLOGGING by Neil Patel

How to get influencers to notice and help you
#NETWORKING by The Mission

The Uncategorizables


How to build your own action for Google Home using API.AI
#GOOGLE_HOME by Smashing Magazine

#hackinGIF of the week

Created by Noam Liss

In Case You Missed It

From our Facebook group

Nice app design by Damian Chmiel
Join the UI Hackers Facebook group →

Enjoyed this roundup?

We actually read each and every article in this roundup. This is our reading list, and has been our newsletter for the past 3 years.



Sagi Shrieber
Hacking UI

Designer, Entrepreneur & Tribe Builder. CEO at Contrast UX Design Agency. Founder of Commit First Podcast & Youtube Channel.