Mindly: A Chatbot for Helping Those with Alzheimer’s Remember Loved Ones

With a shared desire to address mental health issues through coding, we developed a chatbot to address Alzheimer’s.

Andrew Li


Going into HackMentalHealth 2019 at UCSF, our team comprised of a trio of co-workers paired with two strangers. By the end of the hackathon, we had become Team Mindly, a cohesive unit that had bonded through a collective passion for hoarding hackathon food and a shared desire to address mental health issues through coding.

While we had a plethora of ideas ranging from a mental health visual dictionary for children to a meditation app that monitored you through the gyroscope in your smartphone, we settled on a chatbot to address Alzheimer’s disease early on in the allotted twenty-four hours; it was a mutual complication that many of our elderly family members had suffered from. Moreover, 47 million people worldwide live with Alzheimer’s, a progressive mental disorder due to generalized degeneration of the brain.

A shared desire to address mental health issues through coding, a chatbot to address Alzheimer’s



Andrew Li

Silicon Valley software engineer who writes about tech.