Our very first Hackathon Project

Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2020


‘DUKAAN’ welcome page.

Lockdown hits all the businesses very hard, no matter large or small.
Small businesses are on a lock-down. They have difficulty to get their products online. Many people will also lose their jobs as they are forced to stay home, and as a result, will face financial struggles. A new way of generating income is needed.
Hack On gives team “DIVA CODERS” the opportunity to think about the condition of today’s India and find the best possible way to help them out with our project “DUKAAN”.So, we are providing a platform for small businesses (groceries, medicines, etc.) to sell their products online, inviting them to join our e-shop platform. The platform will also enable individuals to buy as well as sell their items without leaving home. Our government is already providing food delivery volunteers due to COVID-19 reality and so we can use those volunteers as delivery helpers.
We have portrayed our idea by developing the frontend of the website. And we are planning to gain knowledge on the backend as to incorporate it into our website near the future.

Image depicting various facilities at ‘DUKAAN’

DESCRIPTION OF VARIOUS SECTIONS OF DUKAAN: We have created different sections on our website such as:-
->Groceries: Due to the current pandemic many of the Indian families are not able to get enough food and find difficulty in their survival. So, we can take the help of the local grocery vendors in their area by ordering the row food online.
-> Medicines: People in our home also suffer from different diseases common or serious. For them, it is essential to take medicines on time. And due to lockdown, it is tough to get the medicines from the market. So, taking social distancing in mind we can order the required medicines at our home.
->Corona Necessities: In this time of crisis every person is responsible for their safety and needs to take precautions. Masks, gloves, sanitizer, hand wash are necessary to keep yourselves hygenic. So we have included a page for this too on our website where people can sell their home-made products (as masks, sanitizers, etc.) and earn a living and also can order these necessities from the comfort of their home.
->Donations: Poor people of the country are most affected by this crisis and the lock-down. Intending to help the less privileged we have included a page for donation, where people can donate anything they think will be useful for the people suffering.
-> Homemade Food From Housewives: Poor people, workers, laborers are suffering for their survival. Many people from the big cities want to reach their native homes to survive at this time. Many of them are stuck as no movement of men is allowed from one place to another in-country. Here, to help those people to get food and at the lesser price, we have also asked the housewives of the country who can make food at their homes and provide it to the needy people as restaurants and the other public places are closed.
-> Awareness And Precautions: -In this difficult time it is our responsibility to be aware and also spread awareness and provide precautions to the people to be safe. We have included a page dedicated to the information that people may need to be safe in this pandemic. Through our website, we are trying to help the needy and any person who is fighting to survive in this crisis and we request people who are privileged enough to volunteer to help
the less privileged people. This is the time when we need to help the people and make them aware of the dangers of this virus so that we all can survive through it while being together and strong. Thank you, HakanOn for providing us this opportunity so that we could contribute our knowledge to help the people in this time of crisis. We are looking forward to further proceed with our project and mentoring from Google mentors.

The vegetable shop at ‘DUKAAN’
The Corona Necessities page at ‘DUKAAN’

OUR EXPERIENCE: This was the first time for all four of us to participate in a hackathon. Our journey started as when we decided on holding up a brainstorming session and came up with this amazing idea of formulation of all-purpose website ‘DUKAAN&’. We then divided the work according to the theme and decided on the number of live pages to be designed by each of us. During the process itself, we learned how to design a webpage by HTML and CSS and most importantly how to work as a team. We took the competition as a challenge to improve our skills by venturing into this entirely new domain of web designing and development.
We faced difficulties while development, as learning and building this project for the hackathon, was not easy, but together as a team, we managed well.
It was a boost of confidence for all of us when we completed the project and submitted it on time. And by the time we already knew that we can achieve more once we set our goals.
We were overjoyed when learned about the result and prizes, it gave us the motivation we were looking to build projects and work as a team for future opportunities.
We are grateful for the HackOn Hackathon team, sponsors Devfolio, Google, Elastic, GitHub for providing us with this wonderful opportunity to venture into the world of the hackathon, learning new skills, and gaining experience. We appreciate Rishabh Bansal Sir for his wonderful guidance, which made the process of participation amazing. We had an awesome experience and we look forward eagerly to participate in future events organized by Devfolio.

CONTRIBUTORS:- Team DivaCoders:
Amisha Agarwal, Ayushi Garg, PreetiSwarup, Riya Chauhan.

