7 Tricks on How to Write About Your Startup to Attract Investors

Osman Yıldırım
Published in
5 min readSep 14, 2020

Starting your own business takes courage and persistence. Once you have made that big step, the next challenge you need to overcome is to attract investors. With so many other individuals who are also trying to make it on their own, you need to find a way to convince the investors that you are worth their time and money.

The question is how do you do that?

It is not an easy task to make your way in this competitive market. However, with the right strategic moves and smart decisions you can compose content that will make your startup stand out in the crowd. Consider the following tips when writing about your startup.

1. Answer the question “why”

There is one main question that the pitch needs to address — why are you worth it?

Be professional and explain different segments of your startup. If you start strong and explain why you are the one, you can clear their doubts.

Consider the following aspects:

  • How your product/service can benefit customers?
  • What problem will it solve?
  • Did you do the research on the target market?
  • Why is your solution different (better) than others?
  • How do you plan to acquire customers?
  • Are you well prepared (do you have a plan to plan to mitigate risk)?
  • Do you have the right team to support you?
  • Are your values compatible to theirs?

2. Research the investors

In order to answer that last question and to show that your philosophies are in tune, you need to find out all about the investors.

This will help you to tailor the pitch according to their beliefs.

Writing several pitches might be time-consuming but it will be worth it. Once you find out who your investors are, you will understand what approach will work best.

You don’t need to write different pitches from scratch. You just need to make some adjustments in case you notice that some of them have a difference of opinion.

3. Keep it simple

Throwing big words and long complex sentences won’t deceive anyone. It will actually have the opposite effect.

Investors will see right through such an attempt. No one wants to waste time trying to figure out what are you trying to say.

Avoid this risk by using simple and plain language. Imagine if you are presenting your pitch to the broad audience. That will help you simplify the wording.

Greg Weston, a marketing expert at Studicus explain how it all works, “In my experience, if you want to make it work, make it simple. I’ve seen so many startups messing up their opportunity by overcomplicating their pitches. Remember that those investors don’t need to be impressed with big words, they just want to know why they should choose you.”

Any unnecessary technical terms and jargon can create confusion. Simplicity is the key.

4. Try out storytelling

This is one of the best tricks out there. There is just something about stories that draws people in and keeps them engaged from the beginning to the end.

Investors need to go through a lot of pitches and if you want to stand out, stay away from the generic templates.

Tell a quick story about what inspired you to come up with your idea. Every story is unique so that can be your way in. It will ensure that there isn’t another pitch that sounds like yours.

This is probably the most efficient way to be original.

If storytelling isn’t your strongest side, there is a solution. Writing services like Trust My Paper and Best Essay.Education can do this part for you.

Professional writers like those who work for Grab My Essay can do the writing and editing and all you have to do is to explain what you need. In the end, just run it through Readable to check the readability score and you’ll be all set.

5. Speak up about the deadlines

Specifying deadline will show determination and professionalism. Being vague about your plans can make a bad impression on the investors.

Explain the timeline and how you plan to execute your idea. The more specific you are, the better.

Keep in mind that you need to be realistic. The aim of these deadlines isn’t to impress them, it is to show that you plan to be completely transparent in your relationship.

The potential investors need to be aware of the timeline so that you can exclude any surprises or misunderstandings along the way.

6. Find balance

Think of this as if you are trying to win someone over. Being too aggressive is an instant turn off. On the other hand, if you are too aloof you won’t seem ambitious enough.

All in all, finding the balance between the two is the best you can do.

Show that you have passion and determination. Show that you believe in your idea and they will believe it too.

What you want to avoid is to present yourself as too desperate or egoistic. Avoid terms like “you must”, “have to”, “need to” and similar. Such terms will mark you as conceited.

7. Show them that you don’t just want their money

There is more to investors than just a check that you can cash in. Focus on finding investors who can be your partners.

As a startup, there is so much that you still need to learn. Having someone experienced by your side can be of huge help.

Look for investors that can give you advice, help you with networking, and teach you some tricks.

Active investors can contribute to your business and help you to speed up its growth.

Besides all that, if you explain in your pitch that you want their support and that you’ll respect their opinions, they’ll appreciate that.

Some final thoughts

Some startups have amazing business ideas but without the right approach, they can’t attract investors. Don’t make that mistake and prepare yourself beforehand.

With the above-mentioned tips and tricks, you’ll be able to present your startup in the best light. Showcase your startup as the next big thing and you’ll have the investors in your hand in the blink of an eye.



Osman Yıldırım

Founder at @optimisthub | Sr. SEO Expert | Mentor at Visa Innovation Program & Hackquarters https://www.optimisthub.com