Learn C++ (Best C++ Tutorials for Beginners)

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C++ is a general-purpose programming language which possesses OOP and generic-programming features. C++ is widely used all around the world and has found its use in large performance-efficient systems, desktop applications, servers and performance-critical apps.

The language was created by Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup, who was working on ‘C with Classes’ and it was released in 1985 as C++, the ++ being the increment operator in C. After over 23 years, C++ is considered the third most used language in the world, after Java and C++.

How to learn C++?

C++ is an extension of the C language and has been used widely by both big and small companies around the world. Due to its popularity, the number of people learning it is increasing by the minute, and if you wish to learn it as well, you need to look for the course that suits your learning style. We have created a list of the top 10 C++ tutorials recommended by the Hackr programming community, an online platform to find and share the best online courses and tutorials. There are plenty of choices available for tutorials on the Hackr C++ Tutorials list, which has filters available such as free, paid, book and video courses, for beginners or experts, etc. to help you find what you are looking for.

1. C++: From Beginner to Expert

If you wish to begin with C++ without any prior knowledge, then this might be the course for you. The ‘C++: From Beginner to Expert’ course is the ultimate mix of theory and practice, and by the end of this course you will be able to write programs in C++. This course is specifically designed for people with no programming knowledge and aims to bust the myth that programming (especially C++) is difficult.

This course by Udemy has 71 lectures spread over 15 hours of video lectures and cover the basics as well as advanced concepts of C++. It begins with elementary concepts such as Operators, Arrays, Loops, Functions, and Pointers, and then moves on to advanced concepts such as Exceptions, Streams, Write and MiniDatabase. All the concepts will be taught using examples for maximum exposure, and the project also features a bonus project to help you learn better.

2. LearnCpp

‘LearnCpp’ is a free online platform dedicated to helping you learn C++ programming. This platform is designed for beginners and will guide you through the basics of C++ and will cover all the steps to assist you in writing, compiling and debugging your C++ programs.

The platform has 18 chapters and three appendices which cover major C++ topics, including the structure of a program, Variables and Fundamental Data Types, Operators, Control Flow, Arrays, Strings, Functions and object-oriented programming (OOP) among many others. Most importantly, the platform uses plenty of examples with each concept to help you understand better.

3. Learn Advanced C++ Programming

The ‘Learn Advanced C++ Programming’ course will help you take your basic C++ knowledge to a more advanced level. This course is ideal for you if you are a beginner in C++ and wish to sharpen your skills, and want to learn more about C++11 (another version of C++).

The course includes 105 lectures which span over 15 hours in video, providing practical and informative information about C++. The course will guide you through C++ file handling, classes, operator overloading, and many other concepts. Towards the end of the course, the course will help you create a program using concepts used in this course.

4. Buckys C++ Programming Tutorials

5. C++ Tutorial

The ‘C++ Tutorial’ by SoloLearn will help you with everything you need to write and compile your programs using C++. This course is available through the SoloLearn application available on the Google Play Store and iOS, or through their website.

The course is practical-heavy and includes over 300 quizzes for you to make the most out of it. The course consists of 9 modules which included over 80 lessons, covering concepts such as loops, functions, classes, pointers, conditionals, data types and arrays. In conclusion, this course will pose two challenges which will help you end on a practical note.

6. C++ Tutorial — Absolute n00b

7. Entire C++ language in one video

8. C++ For C Programmers

The ‘C++ For C Programmers’ course on Coursera is curated by the University of California, Santa Cruz and is taught by Professor Ira Pohl from the same institution. This course is specifically designed for programmers who have a basic understanding of C++ and its core concepts such as algorithms and object-oriented programming (OOP).

This five-week-long course has five modules and includes 46 videos along with four major reading materials. The course covers topics such as how to convert an existing C program to C++, C++ Functions and Generics, Default constructor and initializing syntax and use of basic Container Classes. The course ends with a final exam which will encompass all topics covered in the course.

9. Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++


This C++ book by Bjarne Stroustrup is a general introduction to programming, OOP concepts and generic programming. The book explains the fundamental concepts of C++ and presents the most widely used programming techniques in C++ and aims to give you a robust foundation for writing correct, useful and efficient code.

The author, Dr Bjarne Stroustrup is a Danish computer scientist who is the creator and developer of C++, one of the most notable and widely used languages in the world.

10. C++ Primer


‘C++ Primer’ by Stanley B. Lippman is updated to the newly released C++11 standard. The book uses a comprehensive and authoritative approach to help you to learn C++ swiftly, yet efficiently and use it to create effective programs. Using the modern practices of C++ programming, the book showcases methods to boost the core fundamentals of the language and write efficient and readable code.

The author, Stanley B. Lippman is a computer scientist who has worked in the early development stages of C++ with Dr Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++.

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