Learn Django (Top Django Tutorials for Beginners)

Django is a full-stack web development MVT framework built on top of Python, a general purpose scripting language. Django brings speed and security to the table, being one of the most secure web frameworks there is with its policy of preventing code execution on the template, the presentation layer. It’s used by Youtube, NASA, and Instagram, among others. However, security is not it’s sole core strength, it’s also quite easy to pick up given that it uses one of the easiest programming languages there is, and it’s also highly scalable.

How to learn Django?

One of the benefits of choosing a framework built on top of such a powerful language is the abundance of resources. There is so much material to choose from books, courses, online tutorials, interactive learning games that it becomes an overwhelming task to choose, as you’d always be wondering if you should find a better resource or if you’re learning from the best resource out there. To save you from hassle of scouting for a good resource on the web, Hackr programming community has curated the best online courses and tutorials.

Here we’ve gathered the top 10 community picks for Django learning resources. If you want to see the complete list of Django resources and how many upvotes each of these tutorials have got then you can refer Django tutorials on Hackr. Here you go:

1. Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

With over 50,000 enrolled students on Udemy and an average 4.5/5 rating, this course is one of the best Django courses on Udemy. This course is not only focused on Django, rather it’s built from the bottom up, covering the very basics of web development. It goes through HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery and more importantly, it explains some of the underlying concepts of the web such as events and the document object model (DOM).

The course is project driven so that you can always see the lessons you learn in action and apply them yourself. Here are some topics included in this course:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap 3 and 4
  • Document Object Model
  • Python
  • Django Basics
  • Django Templates
  • Django Forms
  • Django Admin Customization
  • ORM
  • Class Based Views
  • User Authentication
  • and much,much more!

2. Tango with Django

Ebooks are a great source of information and often times than not, they contain information that’s nowhere to be found in courses. They provide a complete walk-through from the very early beginnings past the intermediate levels.

Tango with Django ebook

Tango with Django is one of these books that help you develop a deep understanding of web development with Django.

According to the Authors, this book is not for reading! It’s a journey that you should be engaged in and develop the application built within the book’s pages yourself.

Tango with Django is now available in its third edition, Tango with Django 1.9/1.1 and there’s a free sample on LeanPub.

3. Django Girls Tutorial

Django is a non-profit organization that aims to empower women in the world of coding and development. They make workshops around the world and have already visited over 90 cities, along with offering online resources and tutorials.

However, the tutorials they are offering are open source so anyone can benefit from them. They aim to take one through the journey from not knowing anything about the web to making the first application with Django.

The beginner tutorial goes through many of the underlying workings of the web and how it works which helps the student understand the process rather than memorizing several disjoint steps. Django Girls also offer an advanced tutorial for those who want to learn about more topics and practice more.

4. Writing Your First Django App

Writing Your First Django App is the official tutorial for building a Django application, found on the Django project page. The official page includes the documentation of the framework where you’ll find every piece of information about Django and the more you advance the more you’ll be using it. It also contains several blog posts discussing popular topics to build Django web applications such as Dockerization, Pagination, etc…

The tutorial is made of 7 blog pages, followed by other advanced tutorials. It discusses features and the coding in depth and explains the philosophy and reason beyond every action so you can expect to learn the best practices from these tutorials.

5. Intro to Django

Overqiq.com is a coding blog that features multiple languages/frameworks tutorials. They also offer a rich Django tutorial.

The tutorial is split up into multiple topics, so you can pick up the topic you want which offers you flexibility in case there’s some piece of information of feature that you want to learn about, rather than buy an ebook or attend an entire course. They also include a comment section on each topic so that you can communicate with the author and discuss any coding issues that you encounter while following the tutorial.

6. A Beginner’s Guide to Django

A Beginner’s Guide to Django Cover Page

This course is very unique in its presentation as well as in its content. It takes a friendly approach in walking you through the steps showing every single action and often posing questions with fun images.

Comic Image taken from the book: A Beginner’s Guide to Django

The course is built up like an ebook with multiple comics, images and code snippets so it’s visually rich and simple ( as the website’s name suggests: simpler is better than complex).

Not only does the course cover the web development basics, but it also covers VPS deployment on Digital Ocean, which is a production-ready platform. This saves you the hassle of figuring out how to deploy your application in Django and goes through the bolts and nuts of deployment that everyone needs, including domain name configuration, HTTPS certificate installation, email service configuration and more.

7. The Django Book

Official Django Book Cover Page

The Django book is one of the most powerful and thorough ebooks out there. There’s an open source version and an updated and more expanded version available. The Django Book also offers a very rich presentation with explanatory diagrams and images.

The Django book covers the basics and expands on several advanced topics such as security, deployment, and internationalization.

8. Introduction — Django Web Development with Python

9. Django Tutorials

10- Try Django 1.9 — Build a Django Blog

Information source:



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