Learn Java Spring Framework: Top Spring Tutorials Recommended by the Community

Developed by Pivotal Software, Java Spring Framework was first made public in 2002. Since then, it has emerged to be one of the leading application frameworks for the Java platform. The application framework offers comprehensive infrastructure support for developing Java-based applications and also serves as an inversion of control container for the Java platform.

Spring Framework handles infrastructure so that the developers can focus their entire attention on application development. The Java-specific application framework allows developers to build apps from POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects). Further, Spring Framework can be used to apply enterprise services non-invasively to POJOs.

How to Learn Java Spring Framework?

In addition to being open source, Java Spring Framework can be either added to or used entirely as a replacement to the EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) model. There are several great ways to learn Java Spring Framework effectually. You can use books, blogs, youtube videos, etc. to learn the art of using Spring Framework. However, filtering out the best learning material from the heap is no easy task.

To help you cut the time-consuming seeking and testing phase, and continue straight with learning, here are 10 best Java Spring Framework tutorials suggested by the Hackr programming community. Each of these are carefully selected Java Spring Framework learning material that includes books, video courses, blogs, etc. If you want to the complete list of tutorials with how many upvotes each tutorial got from the programming community then refer Spring Framework Tutorials on Hackr.io

Here are the 10 best Java Spring Framework tutorials to opt for:

1. Spring & Hibernate for Beginners

With this Spring Framework tutorial, learners are able to develop a real-time project using Hibernate CRUD and Spring MVC. In addition to the over 35 hours of on-demand video, the tutorial from udemy.com offers 67 articles that cover various important concepts.

These various articles cover a wide variety of Spring Framework topics, including:

  • Annotations
  • Config
  • AOP
  • Hibernate CRUD
  • MVC
  • Spring Security
  • Maven

To further add value to the tutorial, new videos are added every now and then for clarifying various Spring Framework concepts. In addition to online viewing, the material is also available for offline access. All PDFs, source code, and videos are available for download.

2. Spring Framework

3. Java Spring Framework Masterclass

The tutorial teaches Java Spring Framework 5 programming using a step-by-step guide. Learners are able to get a good grasp of important Spring Framework concepts, like Annotations, Core, JDBC, MVC, and XML. Furthermore, the learning material is regularly updated so that you get to learn the latest of Java Spring Framework.

Along with the opportune Spring Framework learning material and over 43 hours of on-demand video, students get the ease of getting their queries solved and further polish their concepts. The support is available 24x7 for allowing the learners to resume their learning journey at any time they find comfortable.

New content to be released in this course includes:

  • Spring MVC in-depth (Forms and validation): Drilling further into Spring MVC — Handling Web forms and Validation.
  • Spring Boot 2 makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can “just run”. Learn how in this course.
  • Spring Batch — provides reusable functions that are essential in processing large volumes of records. Learn how to use it in this course.
  • Spring AOP — Here’s where you’ll learn about Spring’s Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). AOP helps to address cross-cutting concerns such as Logging, Security etc.
  • Spring Security — This topic covers Spring’s security feature that helps to make Spring based web-apps more secure and robust.
  • Spring with Hibernate — You’ll learn Spring integration with Hibernate, one of the most popular Object Relational Framework (ORM).
  • Spring with JPA — This is where you’ll learn Spring integration with Java Persistence API (JPA) which helps to make Spring applications database and ORM agnostic.
  • Spring Data — Spring Data unifies and makes it easy to access to different kinds of persistence stores, both relational database systems and NoSQL data stores.
  • Spring with Thymeleaf — Thymeleaf is a modern server-side Java template engine. You’ll learn how to use it with Spring.
  • Spring Web Flow — Spring Web Flow builds on Spring MVC and allows implementing the “flows” in a web application.
  • Data Migration using Spring.
  • Spring & Testing — In this section you’ll learn how to carry out Unit testing of Spring applications with testing frameworks such as JUnit.
  • IntelliJ IDEA, REST Web Services, Gradle, Maven, a Real world project and more.

4. Spring Data JPA Tutorial

For those aiming for having an in-depth understanding of the Spring Java Persistence API, this JPA tutorial is the ideal option to go for. The all-text tutorial deals with creating JPA repositories without the need of writing any boilerplate code.

The tutorial encompasses a number of Spring Framework concepts, in the form of distinct blog posts, including getting the required dependencies, CRUD, Query Methods, Creating Database, and Pagination.

5. Spring in Action

Unlike other tutorials mentioned on the list, this one is a book. Spring in Action is one of the best-selling guides on Java Spring Framework. Available on Amazon, the book covers a wide number of Spring Framework concepts.

Entire annotation-based programming is explained in detail with little projects to help learners better understand the concept in a more practical manner. Important aspects of Java Spring Framework that the Spring in Action book covers:

  • Caching
  • JPA
  • Request flow in Dispatcher Servlet
  • Thymeleaf

Purchasing the paperback edition of Spring in Action comes with free PDF, Kindle, and ePub versions of the same.

6. The Java Spring Tutorial

The almost 28 hours of on-demand video is bundled with 5 well-explained articles in this Java Spring Framework tutorial. It deals with teaching web programming with Spring MVC and Hibernate. The tutorial is apt for learning fundamentals of the Java Spring Framework as well as learning how to develop web and database applications using the same.

There are two parts to this course — RESTful web services and SOAP Web Services.

In the first part of the course, you will learn the basics of RESTful web services developing resources for a social media application. You will learn to implement these resources with multiple features — versioning, exception handling, documentation (Swagger), basic authentication (Spring Security), filtering and HATEOAS. You will learn the best practices in designing RESTful web services.

You will be using Spring (Dependency Management), Spring MVC (or Spring REST), Spring Boot, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), Spring Boot Actuator (Monitoring), Swagger (Documentation), Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE), Postman (REST Services Client) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.

While the use of SOAP Web Services is on the way down, there are still considerable number of web services using this approach.

In the second part of the course, you will learn the basics of implementing SOAP Web Services developing a few web services for a course management application. You will learn to use a Contract first approach — defining XSD (XML Schema Definition) for your requests and responses. You will learn about WSDL (SOAP Header, SOAP Body and SOAP Fault), XSD (XML Schema Definition) and JAXB (Java API for XML Binding). You will implementing three SOAP web services with exception handling and basic security (with WS Security).

In this part of the course, you will be using Spring (Dependency Management), Spring Web Services , Spring Boot, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), Swagger (Documentation), Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE), Wizdler (SOAP Services Chrome Plugin) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.

7. To-do List for Novice Web Developers

The unique tutorial is available as a 7-day course. Offered by Parth Kachchhi via his official WordPress blog, the tutorial deals with boosting web developers confidence. Though the tutorial primarily focuses on Java based web development, it also covers a number of other important concepts, like:

  • Application container
  • Build Automation
  • MVC design
  • Web services

Each day of the tutorial comes with an aim and various tasks that the learners need to accomplish to advance to the next day. The tutorial is available completely for free.

8. Introduction to Web Application Development

This is an enormous web application development tutorial bundled into one. The paid tutorial offers hands-on experience with various web app development programs to learners. The tutorial offers students to create dynamic web and enterprise applications, which make use of a wide variety of Java frameworks and technologies, including the Java Spring Framework.

9. Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru

Made by John Thompson, a Spring Source consultant, this Java Spring Framework tutorial available at udemy.com teaches about Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2, Spring Data MongoDB, Hibernate, and Spring MVC.

The entire 49 hours and 17 minutes of course and 16 articles is divided across 460 lectures, which you can take at any time. The tutorial teaches students how to develop Spring application using Test Driven Development, GitHub, and SOLID OOP.

10. Learn Spring Security

Endorsed as “The definitive video guide to secure your Java application,” this tutorial primarily deals with teaching learners about Spring Security. The course is available in 3 distinct classes:

  • The Master Class
  • The Certification Class
  • The Coaching Class

Important concepts covered by the tutorial includes securing a simple MVC application, full registration flow, spring security expressions, and advanced authentication.

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