Learn Laravel (Best Laravel Tutorials for Beginners)

Laravel is a powerful open-source PHP framework designed to create the full-featured web application in a simple and elegant way. It is robust and easy to learn framework which follows MVC design pattern, the de facto standard of setting up web applications. You just need to be familiar with PHP basics to learn Laravel effectively. Laravel is a secure framework and prevents your website from several web attacks.

Laravel was initially released in June 2011 to provide a more advanced alternative to the CodeIgniter framework. Laravel has clean routing, Object Relational Mapping (ORM), decent queue library, and ease of authentication etc.

How to learn Laravel?

As Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks, every developer is looking to upskill themselves with Laravel. There are tons of Laravel tutorials on the webs but to find the best one is a difficult proposition for a beginner. To solve this problem, Hackr programming community is a great place to find the best online courses and tutorials. In this article, we present you recommendations for Top 10 Laravel Tutorials. If you want to know how many upvotes each of these tutorials got from the community, the rank of the top 3 Laravel Tutorials, and also to see various filters like Free, Paid, Video, Book, Beginner, Advanced, Laravel version classification, etc., you can visit Hackr Laravel Tutorials list. Here are the top ten:

1. Laravel 5 Fundamentals

This is a freely available video tutorial series by laracasts for beginners. This is the 2015 edition of the Laravel tutorials, which uses version 5.0 of Laravel framework. This includes 27 video episodes which define everything about Laravel fundamentals.

2. PHP with Laravel for Beginners

This bestseller tutorial from udemy boasts of more than 30 hours of video-based learning material. The Instructor of this course is experienced and proactive in answering students’ queries on the udemy course forum. You’ll also learn how to build a project and learn about GitHub in the process.

Important topics covered in the course are:

  • How to use Laravel Tinker — Command line program to play around with Laravel without persisting data
  • Database: Eloquent One (/Many) to One (/Many) — CRUD
  • Learn about Laravel ORM (Object Relational Mapper) and Raw SQL queries.
  • Form Validation
  • Learn to download third-party libraries to add to Laravel
  • You will learn about Middleware and security
  • You will learn about sending emails
  • You will learn Github or version control
  • You will learn how to install a WYSIWYG editor
  • You will learn to deploy Laravel on shared hosting accounts, like GoDaddy

3. Eloquent By Example

This website provides you with 14 lessons covered all the section of Laravel framework. This is a completely free course. You may simply visit the website to start your course. This course is designed for those who are new to learn Laravel and more interested to learn about Eloquent ORM that is the central part of Laravel.

4. Laravel, the Complete Guide with Real-World Projects

This paid tutorial from udemy covers basic to advanced concepts of Laravel. This course works on a project-based learning approach. You’ll make below-mentioned projects in this course:

  1. Task Application Project: A MVC Project where you can create, read, update, and mark tasks as completed.
  2. Complete Blog: You’ll build a simple content management system as a project.
  3. Complete Forum: You’ll create your own forum as a course project
  4. E-commerce postal: with Stripe payment gateway integration

5. Laraval 4 from Scratch

This course is available for free on laracasts website. It has 16 video lessons to give you step-by-step learning of Laravel. This is 2014 edition and uses 4.0 version of Laravel. In this course, you will learn the following topics:

  • How to install Laravel
  • MVC Architecture
  • Models
  • Database access
  • Eloquent and Blade Basics
  • Master Pages
  • Form handling, validation, authentication etc.

6. Learn Laravel PHP Framework

This udemy paid course teaches you the 5.6 version of Laravel. The courses teaches Laravel while building a multi-user blogging platform. Object-Oriented Programming is also covered for the benefit of beginners.

A few topics covered in the course:

  • Routing
  • Working with Models and how to communicate with DB
  • Views with Blade templating system
  • Controllers
  • HTML Forms and handling form data
  • CRUD Operations
  • LARAVEL Eloquent relationships
  • Implementing user roles like Admin, Author, etc.
  • Using Middleware
  • oAuth Facebook login
  • Pagination and Search
  • Deploy your web app

7. Laravel from Scratch

8. Laravel and Redis Series

9. Laravel 5: What’s new?

10. Laravel 5.3 for Beginners

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