Announcing Hacks/Hackers Pakistan News Innovation Camp

Shaheryar Popalzai
Hacks/Hackers Pakistan
2 min readJul 17, 2017

News innovation is a rarity in the Pakistani media industry. Even rarer is training for journalists on how they can pick up on and apply new and innovative methods and technologies to their workflows. Newsrooms are either under resourced or have little to no interest in this.

To bridge the gap between journalism and innovation, we at Hacks/Hackers Pakistan are pleased to announce the launch of News Innovation Camp series. The innovation camp is a series of sessions designed to help journalists advance in their field. We’re thinking beyond just the basic skills already taught in abundance.

For the last couple of months we’ve been planning and designing sessions that will help journalists advance in their fields and stand out as leaders by learning new and innovative technologies and how best to apply them to their daily workflows.

The innovation camp is being supported by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), who have also been pushing news innovation in Pakistan through their flagship Knight International Journalism Fellowship.

The camp will kick off on July 22, 2017 with a session on immersive storytelling. A new session will be held every two weeks. Here is the complete list of planned sessions so far:

  • Getting started with immersive storytelling
  • Visual journalism: Breaking down storytelling
  • Getting started with code
  • Data journalism 101
  • Social media: beyond posting on Facebook and Twitter
  • Drone journalism

We’re keeping these sessions closed and for a limited number of participants. This is to ensure that those attending receive full attention from the trainers. The sessions will have limited seating for 15–20 participants.

To help kick things off for participants we’ll also select one or two projects every session and help them get started.

This round is only for journalists in Karachi. We will be announcing dates and applications for upcoming sessions after the completion of a current session.

Like our page on Facebook for future session announcements.

