Global Game Jam 2018 at Goldsmiths — A Retrospective

Kevin Lewis
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2018

As a quick refresher — Global Game Jam is an organisation which supports organisers of events which over 40,000 developers, designers and interactive storytellers attended in 2018. The event starts on Friday and runs straight through to Sunday with everyone showing what they worked on related to the secret theme (‘transmission’).

Basic stats

  • 135 registered, and 59 checked in (56% attrition, which is above average dropoff for us)
  • From attendees who game us more information, 35% indentified as female or non-binary (below our average), and 25% were postgraduates (above our average)
  • On average, attendees rated the event 8.64 out of 10

I’m super proud of what the team delivered, and hope that next years will grow to be even better. Here are some highlights…

If you are mad enough to spend a whole weekend making a Game, definitely come to Goldsmiths because they Will make the experience way nicer

A great opportunity for both amateur and experienced people to create something worth putting in your portfolio

My biggest criticism is that they only do it once a year

Fantastic event, supportive staff and incredible venue, looking forward to the next one.

Goldsmiths Game Jam was the most chill event I’ve been to. Best church for game making. 10/10 would jam again

As someone with zero experience in game development it was a bit scary at first, but the people around me were so friendly and so eager to help it was a very rewarding experience; I learned a lot.

