Women solving problems for women

Tess Rinearson
HackTECH 2014


“Did she ask any boys if they wanted to work on it?” I ask.

The team giggles.

The two ladies behind UCMOM—a tool for scheduling lactation rooms at UC San Diego—are telling me about how they started working on the project. Gina Chen, a UCSD senior, and May Ng, a junior, were introduced to the project by an enterprising professor, who came up with the idea after chatting with a nursing mother who was waiting for a room. “You don’t know how long it will take,” May explains. “It’s just frustrating, or inconvenient.”

So, I ask, were there ever any men working on UCMOM?

“No,” Gina says, with a sheepish smile. “You really want people who will understand the audience, and understand the problem.”

I speculate, too, that a lot of boys might be uncomfortable working on a lactation-centric tool, though May is quick to point out that they’re just working with calendar data—which, by the way, wasn’t easy to get. They spent much of a quarter cajoling the school administration in order to set the project up.

Gina Chen, center, and May Ng, left.

Because they started working on UCMOM before hackTECH, it’s not eligible for any awards. But as a solution to a real problem, UCMOM absolutely exemplifies the spirit of hacking.



Tess Rinearson
HackTECH 2014

VP of Engineering, Tendermint Core. (Previously: @Chain, @Medium.)