Announcing hack.summit(“blockchain”)

Ed Roman
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2018

I’m pleased to announce that on July 9–11 2018, you’ll be able to learn from the world’s blockchain leaders on a massive virtual stage. Check it out at

The event, which has historically been the largest gathering of developers across the globe, is a pure-virtual, not-for-profit event, which aims to educate and encourage the advancement of technology, regardless of location or socioeconomic status. It aims to build awareness and further the advancement of future technologies.

Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with blockchain leaders such as Jed McCaleb, technical founder of Mt. Gox, Stellar, and Ripple, Riccardo “Fluffy Pony” Spagni, technical leader of Monero, Eli Ban-Sasson, co-founding scientist of ZCash, and many more.

This event disrupts physical conferences with a re-imagined online experience. Physical conferences in real-life typically exist for a business purpose: to maximize profits for their centralized stewards. Indeed, there have been many blockchain conferences over the past year that have this goal. We believe this is a missed opportunity. The decentralized nature of blockchain democratizes access and eliminates rent-seeking middlemen. This concept should be applied to events as well. hack.summit() embraces this theme — the event is decentralized and has no physical presence. Speakers from around the globe unite to focus on providing free technical education. No centralized authority seeks to profit. The event is inclusive of a global community of 157 countries without requiring speakers nor attendees to travel.

To ensure equitable access to learning, we do not charge standard ticket fees. Instead, we ask all attendees to contribute a donation if they are able. All proceeds go to coding nonprofits, particularly those that support diversity in coding. Examples include Women Who Code, Black Girls Code, Free Code Camp, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Coder Dojo, Bridge Foundry and more. Historically we have raised over $100,000 for coding non-profits such as these.

For those who are unable to donate, free admittance is available by simply sharing the event with friends online to help us find more donors. In this way, developers all over the world can participate in our community regardless of their economic situation. The hack.summit() community has over 125,000 members-strong and is a prime example of how the global developer community truly does care about social good.

Our event will also feature a global virtual hackathon, giving developers the opportunity to “hack for good”, with both the chance to win tokens donated from blockchain foundations, as well as help raise funds for charitable causes via sponsorship donations.

My venture firm Hack VC produces this event. We do this both as a way to give-back to the community, and also to help promising startups hire engineers and go-to-market.

We are joined by a fantastic group of volunteers including Geraldo Ramos, Pranay Mohan, David Sneider, Hsin-Ju Chuang, and Allen Hsu. We are proud to collectively bring this education to the world.

Tickets for hack.summit(“blockchain”) are available now. To attend, please visit

