How to Become An Authority In Any Blogging Platform:

One of the things bloggers NEED to aim for is “authority” in their platform. Learn how to get that here.

Rukka Nova


One of the things bloggers NEED to aim for is “authority” in their platform.

They need to be seen as big players in whatever platform they are at, or at least highly reputed sources.

To do this, they can lie or “fake it till you make it” — but they end up sabotaging themselves.

You see, Medium has a problem, and this problem has to do with the huge number of people who share earnings screenshots made with Photoshop to get subscribers.

I’ve seen dozens upon dozens of people posting insane earnings to get the people who view them to sub to them to “copy their strategies or articles”.

This won’t get you there.

Let me tell you how to become an authority in any blogging platform — it isn’t hard if you plan on really getting your back into it.



Rukka Nova

I build multiple income streams online → 20+ Streams: YouTube, Apps, Blogs, Affiliate Mkt & Crypto → Learn How →