Is Medium Premium Worth It for Writers? Should I Buy a Medium Subscription as a Writer?

If you’re on the fence about buying a Medium Premium account, then read this Hackwriting article and make an informed decision.

Rukka Nova


Is Medium Membership, or Medium Premium, worth it?

What does a Medium Subscription get you?

Well, I was in your shoes once, considering if getting it would be worth the hassle or not, and if you look at my profile picture, with that beautiful green border, then you know what I ended up doing.

Yes, it is really worth it, and investing in the program is among the best things you can do — read this article below if you want to learn why.

Throughout this post, we’re going to go over the several benefits it gets you, both those people usually think about, and some other more on the niche side that few know — including one or two secrets.

If that sounds like your cup of tea, then let’s start by looking at how it can dramatically increase your follower numbers.

Sign-up for a Medium Subscription through my profile and I’ll get $2.27 out of it, this is just another way Medium Premium gets you more money.



Rukka Nova

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