Balancing Your Needs

Christiann Stout
The Pillars
Published in
9 min readDec 13, 2022


Three Things You Should Know

Photo by Stéphan Valentin on Unsplash

In the prior article, I introduced NAM — The Needs Alignment Model of happiness. If you have not read that article, review it before proceeding so you can use the information I’m about to share.

Let’s begin by answering the questions posed at the end of that prior article. For all three, I’ll give you the one answer. Each item in the list satisfies each of the seven needs.

I can feel you frowning. How the hell does buying a big house satisfy the need for meaning? Or connection?

By the end of this article in the series, you will appreciate how your needs are satisfied — or not, how to maintain a balance between the needs, how the needs work together, and why you want and pursue what you do. Here are the four

A Deeper Connection

If you have done yoga or studied the chakras, you may have sensed a similarity between the positive psychology seven universal needs and the seven chakras. And you would be correct! Thousands of years ago, the Hindu people recognized these universal needs — and their expression in the mind and body.

Now before you flip from the article because it’s too woo-woo for you, process this concept.

  1. Stability: Our need for stability is akin to the root chakra. In the root, we seek safety…



Christiann Stout
The Pillars

Catholic author, professor, photography, and (recovering!) attorney. Faith, Focus, and Finding Your Light: A Life in Progress.