
A Haiku

AK (Aaska Aejaz)
Haiku Hub
1 min readJul 16, 2019


Unsplash, Photo by Jeet Mahetalia

I feel every breath
is a tough knot on my throat
being as caution

Where I seek myself
I am just a failed vision
of the peaceful world

God, just help and teach
Teach me to live worthfully,
fill the happiness

Fill my painful tears
with full color of passion,
true enthusiasm

let the flower Bloom
in my unlit emptiness
to feel existence!

©2019 Aaska Ejaz, All Rights Reserved

My motto of life is to serve humanity, to make peace & to share Love!

If you liked my piece and want to read more so, here’s a link of one more piece of Haiku on humanity! “Immense Bravery”



AK (Aaska Aejaz)
Haiku Hub

Determined, Discoverer, Researcher, Achiever, Ist priority is humanity, Words are my life, Love is my attitude, I’m a peacemaker, and brave enough for helping!