Her Plea is Beautiful (Part 2)

JL Myles
Haiku Hub
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2019
Lettonia Bay, Manitoba, Canada. July 2019.

Mountain bike, pedal
backcountry flies, crisp sunsets
water hole, swimming

nesting turtles, fear
a boy racing, ‘click’ third gear
hatching two months near.

Arrive to her show
her colour screams at my face
departure, deep breaths

energy, reflect.
Balance she forces, as though,
her questions, deflect.

She pleads for my help
so to consider me thus…
Will we ever be…

Able to give her…
All that her sweet nature has…
Provided to us…



JL Myles
Haiku Hub

Just kind of winging it · All original photos, unless otherwise stated. For the colour: IG: Jordanmyles