My Forever Dream

A Response to Slk.🎈’s “Haiku This” Prompt “Depth

Sherry Kappel
Haiku Hub
2 min readMay 15, 2019


Oh to sleep so deep

My heart won’t hear the alarms

Peace any less real?

These are undoubtedly difficult times. White people are calling the police on black people for being black. Black children are being killed by the police for being children. Children are shooting children at their own schools, with their fathers’ guns. Brown children are being separated from their parents and caged at the border. Politicians are voting to control women — have called us “host bodies” — while rapists run free. Brown families, Muslim families, gay families are all being ripped apart. Black churches, mosques, and synagogues are being used as target practice and torched. Gay and trans people are being threatened everywhere they go, have high rates of homelessness and suicide, and few legal protections. Our most basic rights are being blatantly disregarded. The earth itself is dying. And over it all is a lawless administration supporting white supremacists and convincing white Christians that somehow it is their rights that are being eroded.

I am weary — painfully weary. Those I love, those who love humanity, those who would truly walk the walk of Christ, are exhausted. Every day is another decision, another debate as to which human rights violation deserves the most attention on that given day. And that is how evil wins: they simply wear us down on all fronts. So however weary I am, I vow to keep going. I hope you will all keep going. Know that I love you, know that the fight is vital, and know that we will win. We must.

Hints of new life on Mt. St. Helens 38 years after the eruption (from The Seattle Times)

Even in the depths

Shadows push against despair

Hope’s tendrils reborn



Sherry Kappel
Haiku Hub

Looking for the Kind in Humankind. Heart currently Code Blue.