
Poet Posts Grabby Orange Pitchman’s Plan to Present Tax Push as People’s Panacea

Harper Thorpe
Haiku Hub
Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2017


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Heroic hostiles “handle it” by hurling heaps of happy haikus at the hating, hollow-headed horse’s ass hoping for a hair-hat headache.

Is a Party win
Worth screwing the middle class?
Oh, you bet your ass!

Have billionaires write
What billionaires want. Don’t let
Mnuchin’s wife deplane

Call it what it’s not
For undereducated

When asked ‘bout tax facts
Be abstract, never exact
Switch to Roy’s sex acts

Distractions are good
Tweets and retweets, Britain’s May
Whatever I say

Play the victim when
You will only save millions
And hoped for billions

Say your donor friends
Are unhappy with your plan
Keep a straight face, man

Uncork some whoopass
On Senator Bob Corker
He’s such a Jeff Flake

Remind John McCain
His wife’s a one-percenter
Just in time to vote

Easiest to wrong
Those who trust you to do right
Believe me, they do

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Harper Thorpe
Haiku Hub

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!