The Haiku Hub is Now On Hiatus

Dear Haiku Writers & Lovers

Sandy Knight
Haiku Hub
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2020


After much deliberation, your dedicated editors and have decided to put the Haiku Hub, Medium’s original publication dedicated only to haiku poetry, on hiatus for a brief period starting today.

The reason for our decision is twofold, and has as much to do with unprecedented world events reflecting themselves in our personal lives, as it does with the direction the publication itself has migrated with less attention to it than we’d perfer, or intended.

That said, I assure you, WE WILL BE BACK; however, we will not be the same publication we’ve always been.

We have some exciting changes in store for readers and writers of haiku and we our followers will agree with the changes we’ll make to effectively rebrand the publication so it more closely reflects what had envisioned when she created it.

Without tipping our hand too much, we would like to make current writers aware that our publication will be raising the bar on the caliber of haiku we select for our publication.

In the meantime, we hope you find peace for you and your loved ones in this tumultuous world, but even more than that we hope you will create peace with your words and actions!

Namaste’ and Happy Haikuing,




Sandy Knight
Haiku Hub

♻️ReCycLeD HuMaN♻️MaKiNg a CoMebAcK💚