The Meaning of Dreams

A response to the Haiku This! prompt “Proverbs

Sherry Kappel
Haiku Hub
1 min readAug 15, 2018


Our Spanish daughter would frequently nap on the dog beds with Carl

Sleeping dogs don’t just
lie, they gallop full steam we’re
the souls who settle

Sleeping dogs don’t just
lie, they wait to save us we’re
not always worthy

When sleeping dogs just
lie we need to curl round them
mourn the death of dreams

“Let sleeping dogs lie” is an old proverb suggesting that it is wise to “Avoid interfering in a situation which is currently stable,” first used in print by Geoffrey Chaucer circa 1380. Too often that logic is used as an excuse for inaction —what “is,” isn’t necessarily “what should be” — and dogs would not agree with our complacency.



Sherry Kappel
Haiku Hub

Looking for the Kind in Humankind. Heart currently Code Blue.