20231023 — The City Perennial [Escape Perennial City — Samsara Edition — Official Release] — HaikuPrajna

Allen W. McLean
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2023


Muddled reflections \\ of cold neon lights. The warm \\ colours of street-fronts.

… The City Perennial … #HaikuPrajna

Read online https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2023/11/20231023-city-perennial-escape.html

Youtube https://youtu.be/Jf93oSMyQDw

Hello reader,

The Samsara Edition of Escape Perennial City is available to read at various bookstores, in print and as a digital ebook!

Order your copy or support your local libraries, ask for them to purchase a copy for their catalogue!


[Releases November 30th 2023!]

Escape Perennial City is a metaphysical science fiction novel about a self-sufficient city in a frozen Wasteland, or so its citizens were led to believe.

Charley Finch’s first story arc details his struggles convincing his peers otherwise, leading to his escape from the walls boxing the city in.

For fans who are inspired by superhero comics, manga, anime and movies, Escape Perennial City embodies larger-than-life ideas like the concepts of liberation, mental hindrances and the cycles of life and rebirth.

The “Samsara Edition” of Escape Perennial City includes two Richard Abendsen stories, “KID: A” and “SM-SARA” from the “FLUKE!” series.

This document is a transcript of a recorded remote viewing.

A teleporting man had tried to escape the city, into the Wasteland, but he was prevented by the walls.

The government and its telekinetic citizens refused to believe, confirm or deny his discovery. The party responsible expend themselves against Charley Finch to silence him, forcing him to evade the police Chief and their department throughout the city. Citywide property damage and injury led Charley to decide to appeal with the Mayor at City Hall.

There, he learns how to overcome these hindrances and strives to escape Perennial City.

Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean



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Read more from HaikuPrajna: https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2023/08/20230813-haikuprajna-holes-book-review.html

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Allen W. McLean

Self-published author. Ontario, Canada. Metaphysical fiction. Scifaiku sci-fi haiku poetry. Book reviews. Alchemic Wisdom - Bite-sized Insights