20240613 — Simmer Down [Together in Forever — Part V] … Haiku Prajna

The sleeping hero, \\ their eyes blind to injustice \\ with misplaced mercy.

Allen W. McLean
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Simmer Down [Together in Forever — Part V] … Haiku Prajna

Hello reader,

Together in Forever — Part V has been released as a mini-zine, which is available as a digital download on the APRILandALLEN site!

Medium readers receive the mini-zine file as part of their paid subscription!

Blurb: During the era of the Zeus System, a disgraced hero struggles with drawing the line between mercy and giving into their wrathful thoughts.

A paperback and ebook for TiF Part I-V is Coming Soon, while Part I-III is already available in its own collection, and Part IV can be found in SM-SARA, Poetry and Other Stories under the title “Artemis, or The Lord-Captain”.

Together in Forever — Part V is the first of a number of new metaphysical sci-fi / fantasy short stories to be featured online and in print, along side previous stories like Ado the Owl and Hector Blake.

Thank you for reading,

Until next time!

Allen W. McLean

PS. April and I have books included in the Brampton Library’s Local Author Showcase for 2024–2025!



Allen W. McLean

Self-published author. Ontario, Canada. Metaphysical fiction. Scifaiku sci-fi haiku poetry. Book reviews. Alchemic Wisdom - Bite-sized Insights