Decoction of a bidens: from antiquity to modernity.

Farasetar Lu
Haircare and hair growth
3 min readApr 16, 2024

Chinese and Tibetan medicine recommended the use of a biden for dysentery, eczema, and joint diseases. The medicinal properties of the biden of drugs are to a certain extent due to the presence of ascorbic acid and manganese, which are important in the physiological transformations of substances. In Europe, hair was previously combined with wooden combs, previously soaked in a decoction of a bidens. In this article, I will tell you about the use of the bidens in the care of the scalp and hair.

Biden is a woody plant known for its medicinal properties. It is actively used in traditional and folk medicine to treat a variety of diseases, including problems with the scalp and facial skin. The biden contains vitamins (including B vitamins), minerals, flavonoids, and other useful substances. These components help strengthen the hair and improve the condition of the scalp.

The benefits of using a bidens in your scalp care routine:

Strengthening the hair: Regular use of a biden can prevent hair loss and improve its structure.

Growth stimulation: The biden activates blood circulation in the scalp, which promotes the growth of healthy hair

Brilliance and power: The hair becomes more shiny and elastic due to the beneficial substances in the composition of the biden.

Sebaceous glands: The biden normalizes the sebaceous glands.

You can use the biden in various variations. For curls, it is more often used in the form of decoctions, but masks and balms can also be made. However, despite the form in which you will use the biden, first, you need to make sure that there are no allergies.

Recipes from biden for strengthening hair.


To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of the plant is required (a biden in dried form can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is important to clearly follow the instructions in the recipe and observe the dosage) pour 250 ml of hot water. Leave the broth on low heat for half an hour, and then strain and pour a liter of plain water. The resulting product is rinsed with hair after washing. The composition is excellent for oily hair prone to rapid contamination.

The oil of the biden for the hair.

Crushed grass of the biden in dry form — 50 g

Olive oil — one cup.

It is necessary to mix the ingredients and put the oil in a dark place for several days. Two days later, take out the oil, shake the jar, and strain the resulting tincture into a glass jar. The oil should be stored in the refrigerator so that it lasts longer. It is worth applying such a mask several times a week, half an hour before shampooing. The oil should be washed off with warm water. You should not use oil more than twice a week. Also, the course of application should last a maximum of three months, then a break is taken. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to wrap an oiled head with a towel or put on a thermal hat.

Cosmetic application of the biden.

The biden is also useful for the skin. This herb contains a huge amount of provitamin A, which is necessary for the health of the skin. The biden contains powerful antioxidants — ascorbic acid and flavonoids, which prevent premature aging. The biden copes especially well with various skin rashes and inflammations. However, if you want your facial skin to shine, you can also seek help from modern beauty technologies.

Cosmetic ice.

A decoction of the biden, which is frozen in molds, is an excellent tool for cryomassage. This procedure at home tones the skin invigorates and refreshes. In addition, it helps to fight dark circles under the eyes. It is best to do such a cryomassage in the morning, first, you need to clean your face. To prepare the ice is simple, it is necessary to pour the deflated ground mixture with boiling water and let the broth brew. When the liquid cools down, pour it into molds and send it to the freezer.

Stay healthy and beautiful!



Farasetar Lu
Haircare and hair growth

Ancient beauty recipes that can be made at home! Read my articles to learn how to take care of yourself with the help of what nature has given us.