Don’t underestimate the power of vitamins — Vitamin B12 deficiency among top causes for hair loss

Haircare and hair growth
2 min readApr 15, 2024

What is vitamin B12 and what is its most significant role?

Also known as cobalamin, the most chemically complex vitamin, B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in the creation of red blood cells and DNA synthesis, also playing a key part in the development and function of brain and nerve cells.

Where can we get it from?

Vitamin B12, unlike other micronutrients, can be mostly acquired from products that have animal origins (such as fish, poultry, meat), but also from common dairy products (such as milk, yogurt or cheese). Plant-based foods do not naturally contain this vitamin, and, consequently, it has been argued that individuals who follow a vegan diet are suffering from B12 deficiency.

What is the correlation between vitamin B12 and hair health?

Research points to the fact that vitamin B12 enables your body to metabolize the very amino acids that represent the building blocks for your hair growth. Because vitamin B12 keeps red blood cells healthy, encouraging the supply of oxygen to the tissues, including the hair follicles, a lack of B12 means that there is not enough oxygen distributed to the scalp and hair cells, which, in turn, leads to your hair starting to fall out rapidly. Some symptoms you should be looking for: thinning hair on the scalp, unusual hair texture, dry and brittle hair prone to breaking, or changes to the hairline. There is no actual recommended intake of vitamin B12, but doctors claim you should be aiming for around 2.4 mcg as a daily dose.

Five proven advantages B12 does to your hair:

  1. Prevents premature graying, due to increased melanin production (preserves hair’s natural color), facilitated by daily consumption of the vitamin
  2. Makes hair stronger
  3. Controls oil production, as vitamin B12 helps regulate the production of sebum
  4. Maintain pH levels, keeping your hair away from being ‘invaded’ with dandruff or other scalp irritations
  5. Locks in hair moisture — helps prevent dryness, breakage and brittleness


Harvard School of Public Health. (2019, June 4). Vitamin B12. The Nutrition Source.

National Institutes of Health. (2024, February 27). Office of Dietary Supplements — Vitamin B12.

Hair Loss And Vitamin B12 — How To Spot And Treat A Deficiency. (2024, October 9). The Independent Pharmacy.

8 Proven Benefits Of Vitamin B12 For Your Hair | (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2024, from

