Hair loss in babies — causes and solutions

Haircare and hair growth
3 min readMay 19, 2024

There are many 3-month-old babies with hair loss, and many parents are also worried whether this condition arises from any medical problem. What is the way to overcome hair loss in 3-month-old babies? If you have interest in beauty products, you can also refer to this website for more information.

Is hair loss in children something to worry about?

For the most part, hair loss in babies is a normal part of a child’s development. This condition will subside on its own and there is no need to worry too much. However, there are still some uncommon and unusual cases of hair loss in newborns.

Babies usually lose hair between 2 and 3 months of age. On average, children start losing hair at 2.8 months, and hair usually recovers in 6.5 months. It can be said that hair loss in 3-month-old babies is a natural and common physiological phenomenon. This type of hair loss is called TE hair loss (telogen effuvium), which is caused by the hair quickly entering the resting phase (telogen), but after a while the hair will grow back.

However, not all babies have obvious hair loss. A Korean study found that about 20 percent of newborns have occipital hair loss or baldness on the back of the head. This does not mean that other children do not lose hair, but during the growing stage, their hair growth may cover the bald area on the scalp, so if you are not paying attention, it will not be detected.

Causes of hair loss in 3-month-old babies

There are a few different reasons why babies may lose a lot of hair in the first few months of life. Some causes of hair loss in babies include hormonal changes, friction from the way the baby sleeps, and common skin problems in babies, such as seborrheic dermatitis.

- Hormonal changes: If you love your hair while you’re pregnant, your baby is already receiving the same dose of pregnancy hormones. However, when babies are born, they are no longer exposed to those hormones. This changes their body chemistry, leading to them losing some or all of their hair.

During pregnancy, there are many good and healthy hormones that will be passed on to your baby. After birth, those hormones begin to decrease, which can cause your newborn to start losing hair. Some mothers also start losing hair soon after giving birth for the same reason.

- Friction during sleep: Babies should be placed on their backs for naps and bedtime to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Friction between the back of your baby’s neck and the bedsheets, crib, or mattress can contribute to accelerating hair loss in infants.

Constant rubbing against hard surfaces like crib mattresses as well as strollers can cause those tiny hairs to break off.

- Seborrheic dermatitis: itcan occur in children from 2 weeks to 12 months old. It may look like scaly red or yellow patches around the scalp. It usually goes away on its own but can cause some children to lose hair for a short time.

Normally, seborrheic dermatitis does not cause pain or itching. The scabs themselves do not usually cause hair loss, but rubbing and shampooing to remove the scabs can lead to hair breakage.

How to overcome hair loss in 3-month-old babies

- Brush your baby’s hair before bed: making sure your baby’s hair is not tangled while sleeping will slow down the webbing process and cause hair breakage, which can lead to bald patches in your baby. Gently brushing your baby’s hair before going to bed will help remove tangles, helping you prevent hair loss in 3-month-old babies. Just make sure you use a product specifically designed for delicate hair and skin, such as a baby brush or comb.

- Avoid using chemicals: you may not need to wash your baby’s hair as often as you think. In fact, you can skip the step of washing your hair with shampoo. Because their hair and skin are much more delicate than ours, and foaming products can strip away nourishing natural oils. Washing your hair with just water is a great option because it helps remove healthy natural oils, promotes hair and scalp hydration, and makes hair less prone to tangling and breakage.



Haircare and hair growth

A skinholic tries to transfer boring knowledge from journal articles to vivid and straightforward information :>