Nettle: use in hair care and gynecology

Farasetar Lu
Haircare and hair growth
3 min readApr 24, 2024

Nettle is a plant that has been used in folk medicine since ancient times due to its medicinal properties. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which makes it a valuable ingredient in hair care and gynecology. In this article, I will tell you how nettles can be useful in these areas.

However, nettles alone cannot give you the radiance you deserve. If you want to look one hundred and one percent, introduce modern beauty products into your self-care!

Nettle in hair care.

Hair strengthening

Nettle contains:

vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, K;

trace elements (copper, iron, calcium);




organic acids (silicic acid, pantothenic acid, formic acid);





Nettle leaves contain twice as much ascorbic acid as black currant berries. In terms of the amount of carotene, the weed is ahead of sorrel, carrots, and sea buckthorn.

Thanks to vitamin K, home remedies based on nettle optimize blood circulation in vessels. This helps to improve nutrition and strengthen hair follicles. For this reason, nettle is considered an activator of hair growth.

Nettle contains a lot of chlorophyll in its pure form, which is rich in useful substances. It normalizes sebum production and gives hair shine and natural volume. For cosmetic purposes, only nettle leaves are mainly used.

What kind of hair problems does nettle save you from?

Due to its rich composition, nettle can:

accelerate hair growth;

stop hair falling out;

get rid of dandruff;

to remove the itch;

restore the structure;

to bring back the living luster.

Nettle in gynecology.

This herb has a unique chemical composition. Nettle is used as an anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, and hemostatic agent in the field of gynecology. Usually, preparations based on a medicinal plant are recommended in the absence of contraindications to use. Nettle is prescribed for heavy menstruation and insufficient uterine contraction. However, no matter how rich the nettle is in its beneficial composition, be sure to make sure that there are no allergies before any use!

Regulation of the menstrual cycle.

It is known that the plant is a source of magnesium. This element has a positive effect on the well-being and functioning of organs related to the field of gynecology. Nettle helps to normalize the cycle and eliminate pain during critical days.

During pregnancy.

A nettle drink with the addition of medicinal herbs can improve well-being and reduce the risk of toxicosis. Teas prepared with mixtures of the following components have a beneficial effect:

dried nettle and raspberry leaves, alfalfa, peppermint;

oat straw;

red clover.

Methods of application of nettle.

The decoction is one of the easiest ways to use nettle in home hair care. Both young and dried nettles, including pharmacy nettles, are suitable for its preparation.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped nettle leaves with 0.5 liters of water. Cook them in a water bath for half an hour, no more. Prolonged exposure to boiling water reduces the usefulness of the plant. Strain the herbal tea through a sieve, cool to room temperature, and use it as a rinse aid after shampooing. After the first procedure, the hair will gain shine. To accelerate hair growth, rub nettle broth into the roots after each shampooing. Do not rinse or towel dry. Let the hair dry naturally.

Nettle tincture for hair

The infusion is even easier to prepare, since it does not need to be boiled. Take fresh or dried nettle leaves and fill them with hot water. It is not recommended to brew with boiling water, because it will destroy some of the useful substances. Let the mixture stand for at least 6 hours. Rub the infusion into the roots after each shampooing or use for rinsing.

Stay healthy and beautiful!



Farasetar Lu
Haircare and hair growth

Ancient beauty recipes that can be made at home! Read my articles to learn how to take care of yourself with the help of what nature has given us.