Oiling hair: is oiling hair a myth?

Haircare and hair growth
4 min readMay 18, 2024

From our grandmothers to experts, we’ve heard about oiling our skin and hair, but we may be suspicious if it was a practice in old times when beauty tech was not developed or if it is the truth. Take some time and think about your relationship with oil in terms of beauty. Do you enjoy oiling your skin or debunking your hair in oil? Have you ever tried it? Have you seen positive changes? When thinking about whether oil can nourish your skin and hair or is just a myth, these questions pop up. In general, it is believed that oil promotes hair growth and restores natural elasticity and balance to the skin; as such, there are some oil masks for treating dry, dehydrated skin that contain necessary ingredients for skin and hair; they also offer additional anti-ageing benefits and are cost-effective.


In this post, we’ll explore stories about oiling’s benefits and learn facts about hair oiling and the types of oil suitable for different hair types.

Oiling was practised in ancient times, and much of it has been used for centuries. Particularly in India and Asia, the ancient beliefs of medicine are still very prevalent. Many people follow traditional remedies to treat their skin and hair. Let’s review some of the dermatologists’ tips:

Dr Panth shares a few facts about hair oiling. She maintains that applying oil to the hair strands helps damaged, dry hair; however, there’s no need to leave it overnight. She further suggests that oiling hair doesn’t play any role in hair growth or controlling hair loss. According to her, oiling your hair strands and leaving them for some hours before washing them is best. Avoid using hair oil if you’re suffering from dandruff.

Similarly, Dr Luke, a certified dermatologist, recommends using light oils for fine hair and not leaving it for long. She further explains that oiling hair can significantly reduce frizz and flakiness.

Now let’s delve into different hair oils and tips for using a hair oil:

Coconut oil:

Coconut oil is best for dry hair, as it contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E that promote health and make the hair look shiny. If your hair is curly and coarse, apply a small amount of it to your hair strands; it is recommended to warm the oil between your hands to increase its effects on your hair, as it increases the absorption and sits deep into the hair shaft and not only on the top.

Olive oil:

As you may know, olive oil contains vitamin E and fatty acids. It can soften and moisten the skin and hair, an essential component of beauty in ancient times. Massage the oil into your hair; if you have dry hair, you can also use it on your scalp. Then, cover your head with a warm towel and leave it for at least 30 minutes.

Almond oil:

Almond oil is full of nutrients, including vitamin E, protein, and omega-9 fatty acids, which can strengthen and soften hair and protect it from damage and dryness. You can make a hair mask by mixing almond oil with coconut oil and leaving it on your hair for a while before washing it. However, it is recommended to use sweet almond oil, which contains many nutrients and antioxidants to keep hair healthy.

Avocado oil:

Avocado offers a variety of advantages to overall health, whether you eat it or use the oil on your skin and hair. It helps smooth your hair as it’s rich in potassium and magnesium, keeping it moist and shiny.

Sesame oil:

This oil helps reduce fizziness and prevent split ends. It contains vitamin B1, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and copper. It also offers antibacterial benefits and best helps hair types with dandruff.

Other options available include argan oil, alma oil, rosemary, tea tree, lavender, castor, jojoba, macadamia, and peppermint, which promote hair health. Jojoba oil is an excellent moisturiser for dry hair and is rich in minerals and vitamins; castor oil has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties that help hydrate the hair and reduce dandruff.

Some other tips to learn and get the best results are as follows:

Make sure you don’t soak your hair in oil, as it weighs down your hair and makes it difficult to rinse it off.

Message the oil onto your scalp (depending on your hair type), or mix it with your shampoo or other oils to make a hair mask.

Don’t apply the oil to dirty hair to increase absorption.

Leave the oil for at least half an hour and wash your hair thoroughly to remove the oil residue.

It is noteworthy that before applying oil to your hair and skin, use a minimal amount to see if you’re allergic.

In short, oiling hair has been part of ancient medicine for softening skin and hair and has remained popular until now. Make it a part of your hair and skincare routine, and enjoy the results. Remember to use it moderately and avoid it when allergic reactions occur. Keep your hair happy, and make sure you use the correct oil.



Haircare and hair growth

A passionate explorer, looking into a world full of mystery. Together, we bring colour to life and make stories! :) // Content writer intern @ FOREO