Seeking a new hairstyle? Find the best cut to suit your age

Haircare and hair growth
3 min readJun 10, 2024

As we grow older our bodies change and become not only older in the terms of our physical ability but visually we are differences, all due to the natural and beautiful process of ageing. Buying new skincare gadgets, purchasing your first bottle of retinol or adapting your workout routine to your changing body are some of the ways in which we can help the visual ageing process. In this article, we can take a look at some of the best hairstyles for your age and what to avoid as we grow older. At the end of the day, who doesn’t want to look a few years younger!

Within this article:

  • Best hairstyles for your 20–30s
  • Best hairstyles for your 30–50s
  • Best hairstyles for your 50+

Best hairstyles for your 20–30s

  • This age group tends to stick to longer hair styles, any short bobs can be drastically ageing for some. “Clients in this age group typically have their hair long and luscious.”TheHouseOfWellness.
  • Within this age group is the best time to experiment with colours and styles. This is when your hair is at its healthiest and grows faster, so any damage won’t see as much of an impact as when you are older and have finer hair.
  • Think about your routine before any change, if you are a uni student with very little time for yourself, maybe a low maintenance hairstyle is best. “People in their 20s usually love low maintenance colours from blonde to balayage with minimal regrowth. It’s youthful and shiny, utilising most of their natural tones,” TheHouseOfWellness.

Best hairstyles for your 30–50s

  • Typically speaking these are the years we find our feet within our careers, so a hairstyle to make you feel the best you can when you attend interviews and begin your future career will be the best confidence boost that you could ask for. (Just imagine walking into the first day on the job with your hair like one of those Loreal models on the TV)
  • When it comes to colour, these are the years where the grey hairs are making a strong, often unwanted, appearance. Booking your hair appointments closer together to keep these grey hairs at bay is seen within these ages. “Some incorporate semi-permanent colours to help blend the greys in and this is a beautiful, shiny introduction to helping camouflage the greys into the client’s hair,” TheHouseOfWellness.
  • At this age we can see thinner hair, where the use of extensions or introducing layers can be most flattering.

Best hairstyles for your 50s+

  • Shorter hairstyles may be obligatory if you have faced hair thinning or even hair loss. These are great low maintenance options.
  • As we move into our 50s, lighter hair colours become more flattering as it reduces the heaviness and tiredness of our overall appearance. Whilst many women embrace their natural grey, light browns or light blondes are a good way to begin the process of becoming lighter with our hair colour.

Whilst these are just some tips and tricks, have a look around and see if you notice this pattern on people within these age groups. For those who follow these tips, will have a younger appearance than what they might have with another hairstyle.

Our experts:

The House of Wellness, Best hairstyle for age: Cuts and colours for 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s (

