Shampooing also leads to hair loss — causes and solutions.

Haircare and hair growth
4 min readMay 12, 2024

Hair loss is one of the biggest aesthetic problems for men. Two years ago, I also suffered hair loss, it made me feel uncomfortable when communicating with others, especially women. So I decide to seek information on the Internet first, then I also ask doctors for advices. In this blog, I gonna share with you guys how to avoid hair loss from the thing that you never thought of — shampooing. If you have an interest in beauty, you can also refer to this website for more information.

First, we need to identify the difference between physiological hair loss and pathological hair loss.

Physiological hair loss: is defined as hair loss over the life cycle. Hair grows, then grows longer, then over time it becomes weak and falls out. After hair falls out, new hair is born to replace the old hair.

Each hair will have a life cycle of 2–6 years (hair growth in women usually lasts longer than in men). At any one time, up to 85–95% of hair is in the growing phase (anagen), 1–2% is in the resting phase (catagen) and 5–10% of the hair is in the resting phase, waiting to fall out ( telogen). Because hair growth and hair loss occur simultaneously, in normal physiological cases, the amount of hair hardly changes.

Pathological hair loss: When you feel an unusually large amount of hair loss, you need to monitor it to see if you fall into the following cases of pathological hair loss.

Hair loss exceeds 100 strands per day, hair loss is unknown and continuous for a long time. The easily recognizable sign is that every time you wash or comb your hair, the hair falls out in clumps. Or when your hair is dry, if you run your hand through it, it will fall out a lot and get caught in your fingers.

Hair falls out but does not grow back. Whether your hair falls out a little or a lot, you feel like your hair is not growing back. The clearest evidence is that your hair is getting thinner and less. In particular, when looking at the scalp, you will see that very few hairs are growing, even some patches of very thin hair.

So, the next question is how to distinguish hair loss caused by shampoo from hereditary baldness as well as other preventable factors.

To optimal way to figure out that is by observing your scalp. When our scalp is red and itchy, it is very likely that you have scalp inflammation caused by allergies, and it is highly likely that you are using inappropriate shampoo. In addition to itching and discomfort, damaged scalp also causes hair follicles to weaken and fall out more easily when shampooing.

Other factors caused hair loss

  • Wash your hair inappropriately: We often think that simply shampooing is very simple thing that anyone can do and that hair loss has no relationship to washing our hair. However, few people know that rubbing vigorously or washing your hair too many times is also the cause of hair loss. Specifically, when rubbing too hard, hair follicles are damaged, making hair weak and prone to breakage. Likewise, washing your hair too many times a day will strip away the natural oils that provide nutrients to keep your hair strong and healthy.
  • Unsuitable shampoo: Shampoo helps remove dirt from the head, making hair cleaner, smoother and smell good. However, if you choose a shampoo that is not suitable for your scalp, it can cause damage to the hair follicles and is more likely to fall out when shampooing, especially for people with sensitive scalps. As I mentioned above, when you observe a red or itchy scalp, this signals that you are having an allergic reaction, so change your shampoo immediately.


Choose the right shampoo: The scalp is also very sensitive so don’t be negligent and pay attention to choosing the right shampoo and conditioner. You should be careful to choose shampoos and conditioners with natural extracts, the pH should be between 4.5–5 to be safe for the scalp. If you notice a lot of hair loss when washing your hair, you can consider changing to another shampoo, especially one with natural extracts.

While washing your hair, you should only massage gently, and avoid scratching vigorously with your nails because this can damage the scalp and cause a lot of hair to fall out when shampooing.

Avoid comb your hair when it is still wet because it will easily cause hair to fall out.

Here is tips to avoid hair loss when shampooing from my real experience. Hope this information is useful for you guys. Please applaud and follow me!



Haircare and hair growth

A skinholic tries to transfer boring knowledge from journal articles to vivid and straightforward information :>