The benefits of oils for the scalp and hair.

Farasetar Lu
Haircare and hair growth
4 min readApr 16, 2024

The hair has a special structure — each rod is covered with a lipid film, which acts as a protection against aggressive environmental influences. But over time, the film becomes thinner and cannot perform its functions. As a result, the scales are exposed, which form the cuticle — the upper layer. Due to the loss of the film, the hair cannot withstand high temperatures, sunlight, and mechanical stress, which leads to brittleness, dullness, split ends, and other problems. The scales are injured even with normal combing, during sleep, or from a tight elastic band. In this article, I will tell you how oils can help get rid of such problems and restore silkiness to hair.

The main tasks of oils are nutrition, protection, and moisturizing of curls. By covering each core, they smooth out the cuticle, create a protective film, return the curls to a lively and beautiful shine, and smoothness, and fill them with health. However, not only the hair create a wonderful image for us, but also how healthy and well-groomed the skin of our face looks plays a significant role. If you want to impress people with your beauty but do not know where to start facial skin care, modern technologies are designed to help you with this!

What are oils capable of?

contribute to the restoration of depleted, dehydrated, traumatized hair coloring;

nourish dry curls;

awaken dormant follicles, stimulate growth;

revitalize the scalp, and eliminate seborrhea and itching.

However, do not forget that you can achieve excellent results only with the proper use of oils. Too much or frequent use can lead to the opposite effect and worsen the condition of the hair — making it greasy, causing dandruff, clog the follicles, and cause inflammation. Lack of oil or its rare use can cause dryness and hypersensitivity. I also want to remind you that before using any oil, you need to do an allergy test.

What are the types of oils and how are they useful?

Natural oils can be plant or essential. The majority of plant products are hypoallergenic, well-tolerated, and do not cause adverse reactions. It is optimal to buy unrefined cold-pressed oils. Essential oils are very concentrated and are not suitable for use in their pure form. In addition to their useful properties, they have a pleasant smell, which gives you a good mood and energizes you.

Castor oil. A universal oil that will suit all hair. Up to 80% of the composition is occupied by ricinoleic acid, which gives the hair density and volume. The rest of the composition is occupied by vitamins and other fatty acids. It is better to use castor oil in combination with other light oils for more convenient application in the form of masks. Among the useful properties are activation of hair growth on the head, smoothing of the cuticle, and regeneration of micro-injuries. Castor oil is rich in vitamin E, proteins, and minerals. The oil also treats inflammation and skin diseases (dandruff, seborrhea) of the head due to its antiseptic effect. It moisturizes and softens the hair, maintaining the necessary moisture level and improving blood circulation.

Linen. It has an antifungal, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect, ideal for the treatment of split ends. It contains many vitamins and amino acids that improve the appearance of curls.

Burdock. Inexpensive burdock root oil has a rich composition. Amino acids, vitamins, flavonoids, and trace elements prevent hair loss and dandruff, protect the ends of the hair from cross-section, stimulate hair follicles, which leads to the growth of new hair, and normalize the sebaceous glands. It is suitable for weak, brittle, and damaged hair because it forms a protective film on the surface of the scalp. It also acts as a sorbent — and helps to cleanse dirt, scales, and sebum.

Oils for owners of dry scalp.

Coconut oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, it is these components that give shine to hair and are necessary for the health of the scalp. In addition to the already listed useful elements, olive oil also contains an emollient: oleic acid, which gives hair silkiness. Avocado oil, in turn, contains fats, minerals, and antioxidants, which are essential for strong and healthy hair. Almond oil contains many omega-9 polyunsaturated fatty acids, preventing excessive hair breakage.

Oil for oily hair.

Often, owners of oily hair refuse to use oils, believing that they will only aggravate the situation. But among the oils, there are those that, on the contrary, help regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, as well as cope with other problems. Antibacterial tea tree oil eliminates dandruff, reduces itching, and reduces the amount of fat secreted.

Stay healthy and beautiful!



Farasetar Lu
Haircare and hair growth

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