Welcome to Cosmotribe
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2 min readNov 5, 2015


….Do you feel like writing and ranting and raving and teaching and bi**hing?

Then you’ve come to the right place.

Maybe you have a friend who likes to write, rant and journal? Have them comment below with the word “ INTERESTED”

You too…

I encourage you to rant and publicize your business ideas, thoughts, questions, comments, complaints, rants and vision to the world.

THAT’S how you grow, through opening yourself up to criticism, compliments and everything in between.

You’re not alone.

Hairstylist Tribe is here for you, with and behind you.

Go. Write. The Send me your story.

Then I will add you as a writer as shown in the picture below and together we change this industry for the better…starting with medium.


P.S. Gary Vaynerchuk added as writer/contributor to Melissa Who’s Hairstylist Tribe publication. Can we as hairstylists, all bother him to write a few words on the internet and e-commerce and marketing as it pertains to hairstylists? He is L’Oreal’s Go-To-Guy for all internet things after all. That’s that first jab right there.



Welcome to Cosmotribe

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