Stylists — If You Don’t Know This Face, You Should — This Will Help

Alycia Cooley
Welcome to Cosmotribe


There is something to be said for someone who super snagged the attention of damn near every professional hair colorist by demolishing a never ending topic of frustration. BOXED HAIR COLOR


Because she “hopes” to have her Cosmetology license in the NEW YEAR! …….. I believe you have absolutely nothing to fear.

1,350+ miles away from where she did her time in school very successfully graduating JUST in September. Of THIS YEAR! 2015!

Two weeks later, while moving, she is knocking out the requirements necessary to become licensed, perusing her sunny California dreams.

As she “puts together some thoughts and advice for future clients and the internet at large.”

I look forward to seeing the success from the lady who is,

“Never one for moderation”

She can lead you to __________ it’s up to you to ____________

Seriously!? I’ve been doing hair almost half my life… but ive always known to NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE ROOKIE! Pretty sure she just broke the Hairstylist Internet.

What a refreshing source of inspiration!

Thank you!

