Let’s All Stop Complaining About Facebook & Instagram Charging For Ads

And Why We Are Already Spoiled By These Platforms

Welcome to Cosmotribe
4 min readSep 28, 2016



The more everyone complains about Facebook, or Instagram changes the better these platforms’ ad business gets for everyone else who sees the value in paying to use them.

You’re much more likely to complain when some change doesn’t go your way, but there are still a ton of people who don’t.

Those are the people Facebook wants long term.

They’re least likely to suck out and quit and most liable to be happy with the attention they purchase for their needs (whatever those may be, large or not).

Let me explain.

Social Media platforms change weekly when they are new — at first seemingly for the benefit of the end user.

However, in the last 12 months or so, some of the changes have been stepping on end-users’ toes.

You can see it in statuses, comments, group conversations, and questions.

I am referring to the downgrade of content reach Facebook pages have been imposed with.

Let us assume for a second, that this algorithm change affected only the pages which were not buying Facebook ads.

(Whatever this algorithm is that nobody can fully explain anyhow).

Aside from Facebook ads, which is what everyone is complaining about, Facebook itself as a tool to reach as many people as you want in a day for pennies on the dollar is still an F***** goldmine!

Running and ducking for cover and complaining that Facebook is asking you to pay for the kind of exposure that you would never otherwise receive on TV, radio, flyers and magazines combined is just mind boggling.

I don’t understand it.


EVERYONE in this world is looking at their phone, yet everyone underestimates the platform they’ve built their “reach” and “likes” on.

Once the platform asks them to return the favor in exchange for pennies-on-the-dollar highly accurate and targeted information (which by the way is updated non-stop), they become hostile and spiteful towards Facebook — as if almost betrayed.

If you have built a Facebook page and a base of attention for free, whether 5k or 50k, you even probably made money from it and you’re still not convinced?

You wouldn’t walk into a TV station and ask for free advertisement, would you?

Facebook aside from its advertising platform, is a content platform, either you share content over time and improve your reach that way, or you play the pay to play a game.

Nothing is free.

But you can do both.

And it takes work regardless of whether you pay or not.

Paying for ads doesn’t guarantee your job delivers and locks down consultations.

But paying for ads gives you an opportunity to try!

It’s new and exciting (and scary to some), but it’s the way things are going to work from here on out.

Meaning, you’d be in a better place long term if you started taking the time to learn the Facebook for Business Ads Platform.

It doesn’t matter if Facebook won’t be around four years from now.

You need clients now!

Every potential client in the civilized world that you live in (your exact area) has the chance of seeing your ads through something wonderful called “local Facebook ads.”

Got a dollar to spare?

They’re $1 per day.

If you were to create a thousand flyers for your clients to take home, you would have to pay before you were able to hold those flyers in your hand.

The other half of the problem is our collective sense of entitlement; we expect something to last forever just because it’s a good thing.

Facebook has been around for ten years.

Yes, In that time they’ve made it seem as if it was going to stay free forever but think about it though.

How else were they going to collect all this data (which is now available for you to use in your very cheap local Facebook ads) and give itself enough of a runway to stand the chance of being the business it IS TODAY!!!…

This data is right now, ready for you to stand on the shoulder of it for way less than you’d ever pay in marketing dollars anywhere else INCLUDING Youtube.

It was only a matter of time until Facebook saw the results of what they’ve created and built an advertising platform on the back of it.

So play with it.

Spend $3.

Find your city.

It’s there for you to benefit from not run away.

Boost ONE piece of content.

It’s kind of like gambling except instead of always losing your money to the “house” you hand it over to facebook and facebook hands you the attention of the “types” of people you’re trying to “reach” and get the “attention” of.

You just have to figure out if you’re good enough, now that you have their attention to continuing keeping it.

The only way you’ll find out if you’re good enough is if you’re consistent with it.

By being consistent with it, you become better.

By becoming better at it, you enjoy it more and feels more like play and less like work.

See where I’m going with this?

Stick with it.

It works.



P.S. Don’t complain, e-mail me instead and tell me what you think of hairstylisttribe@gmail.com



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