Local Salon & Hairstylist Facebook Ads Explained in 3 Minutes

Welcome to Cosmotribe
2 min readOct 30, 2015
  • If You’re Confused About Where To Start Creating More Exposure For Your Stylist Services or…
  • If Social Media Has You Feeling Like It Is A Full Time Job or…
  • If Advertising And Marketing Get In The Way Of Running Your Salon Properly or…
  • You Just Don’t Understand Facebook Ads or…
  • Maybe You Didn’t Even Know Facebook Ads Were A Good Fit For You…

Regardless of what you’ve heard…

Facebook is the answer!

Today, I thought we would switch it up a little and have you guys learn something new for a change.

Now I know a lot of you have Facebook pages and profiles, in fact, all of you do if you’re reading this (that’s how you got to this) but after a few conversations with a handful of stylists over the last few months, about their businesses and vision for the future, I realized none of them mentioned, asked or even knew about how beneficial Facebook ads could be for your local business.

I asked my other half, Ovi Almasan, to put together a quick 90 second video where he shows you how we set up our Facebook ads for everything we do , not just Hairstylist Tribe.

I thought with the long blogs I’ve been writing and you guys have so graciously been reading, I’d do something different…

..If you are considering Facebook Ads for your Salon or Freelance Services…

Watch This 3 Minute Video


I’m loving all the feedback so keep it coming.

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