Kimberly Bamford
2 min readNov 10, 2015

To blog or not to blog? That is the question. It’s a question that’s been in the back of my mind for a while now. Trying to keep up in a technological world as one who is more of an artist, a Hairartist that is, isn’t for the faint of heart. Facebook, check! Got that figured out a few years back and in good habit of posting on my pro page. Instagram, check! Had a young friend show me the ropes one night and have gradually created a worthwhile picture story of my work. (@hairartistkimberlybamford) But blogging? Ummmm, no. Too much work. Not a writer. Too busy. Along comes Melissa Who with a link to this thing, Medium, and here I am an hour later.

This, my first ever entry into the blogging world, is about trying new things. It’s about stepping out of your comfort zone for the sake of your craft. It’s about “just doing it”. So I’m just doing it.

As a master stylist and salon owner since 1989, I want, no need, to find ways to keep my passionate for the art of hair alive. Facebook has been a surprising tool for that for me. Forums of other like-minded professionals sharing ideas making me feel like the small fish in a big pond that I am. And it’s good! Challenge is good. Competition is good. Support from your competition to challenge yourself is good. So, thank you, Melissa Who, for taking a moment to reach out to answer my silly questions. “What is a blog?” “How do I do it?”

EEK! I think I’m doing it.

Kimberly Bamford

Hairartist, American Board Certified Haircolorist, salon owner, and exceptionally passionate master stylist!