Find out how to perform Hajj and Umrah in 2014?

Nighat Khan
Hajj & Umrah
Published in
6 min readJan 31, 2014


Every Muslim is expected to perform Hajj and Umrah at least once in their life time. However, it is a ritual that requires the person to go on a far off journey. While on the pilgrimage, the accompanying religious scholar or team leader should give proper guidance about how to perform the rituals.

Performing Umrah

Umrah in Ramadan

While in Makkah for Umrah, one must be dressed in Ihram. On being led to the Masjid Al-Haram, the pilgrim catches a glimpse of the Kaaba. At the first glimpse, the pilgrim should stop to make takbir and to recite dua. He/she should them complete a tawaf or Umrah with Ibtibah, Ramal and Sa’ee. Men are supposed to get their hair cut at a barbers’ shop near Marwah’s door, while women’s hair should be cut in the hotel rooms. Once done, pilgrims need to change clothes and take a shower. At this point, Umrah is completed, though he/she can perform Umrah multiple times. Until 8th of Dhul Hijjah, he/she has the freedom for any activity. One must remember to attend 5 prayers of Haram – Kaaba daily, and perform as many nafil tawaaf as possible.

Umrah Step by Step Guide

While at Madinah, the journey of pilgrimage stars with Masjid-e-Nawabi, where the pilgrim is required to pray two rak’ah Tahayyah-tul-masjid. He/she also has to recite durood on the Phrophet, after which he/she walks in a line towards the rowdka which lies to the left. The pilgrim should make a sincere salute (“As Salaam Alaikum ya Rasulullah”) to the Prophet Muhammad while facing the screen. One must remember to not raise hands here for dua. After this, salam must be said to Hadrat Abu Bakr and Hadrat Umar to the right. Next to this area of marked pillars, which is called Riyaz-ul-Jannah, part of Jannah since it is narrated in hadith. This is where duas are believed to be accepted. One should try to spend as much time as possible in the masjid for Salaah, Dhikr of Allah, Durood-e-Ibrahim and study of Quran, along with offering durood and salaam. Places of historic and religious significance, including Masjid Quba, can be visited while in Madinah.

Performing Hajj


For Hajj, one needs to stay in dusty camps to get the blessings of the Allah. It starts on the 8th of Dhul Hijja. If in Makkah, one must put on Ihram and start the journey. Those travelling from Mina should put on Ihram in Dula Hulaifa or Madinah and then proceed. He/she should say Talbiya like Umrah, and remember to observe the restrictions for Ihram. All the Hujjaj arrive from Makkah, Madinah or other places, in Mina before noon and spend the night there. During this stay, they should do Ibaadat and help the needy. The 9th of Dhul Hijja is the day of Arafah, when the Fajr prayer must be said. The pilgrim needs to stay from noon to sunset, praying Zuhr, Asr, one adhan and two aqama. Pilgrims perform these at different timings, according to his/her own imam. After these prayers, followed by lunch and rest, the pilgrim should start Arafat. One must also do some istigfar and tauba while reciting Tawfeek’s words. This day is considered the most important day, when a Hujjaj prays and begs the Allah. Everyone stands in together, and utters the same words, making same requests to Him to come there for asking questions. The Hujjaj must produce Rija’a, Taqwa, Khushboo and Khuzoo, and expect only good from Him, with the sincere hope that event meagre wishes will be fulfilled by Him. From late in the afternoon till sunset, waqoof is observed, when the Hujjaj prays for loved ones and those who helped in the journey.

Hajj Step by Step Guide

After this, the Hujjaj has to leave Arafat for Muzdalifah. On reaching Muzdalifah after sunset, the pilgrim must pray Isha Salah and Maghrib. From the 10th till the 13th, the pilgrim has to gather 49-70 pebbles and throw at Jamarat. During the stay, he/she should pray Fajr, at the time of starting, and engage in dua till day-break, and then leave for Mina tent after sunrise.

The 10th of Dhul Hijjah is considered the day of Sacrifice, when the pilgrim first goes to Jamarat site and throws stone at only the last Jamarat. Some pilgrims can have Qurbani vouchers purchased, which implies that the Sacrifice is done. So, the pilgrim has to shave his head. After which the Ihram is discarded and regular clothes are put on after shower. Then, the tawaf of Hajj is to be performed, followed by Sa’ee. Then the Pilgrim has to return to Mina and spend the night there. On the 11th and the 12th, 7 pebbles are thrown on the three Jamarat each, after Zuhr Salaat till late in the evening. One can return to Makkah on that very evening, or stay till the 13th to throw stones.

Upon returning to Makkah, one must perform a farewell tawaf before returning to his/her home-land. If the pilgrim has not yet visited Medina, he/she can go at this time for the farewell tawaf. At this point, the journey comes to an end.

Top rated Hajj & Umrah Tour Operators

There are a number of Hajj & Umrah tour operators in England (UK), which have been engaged in helping pilgrims by providing their bespoke Hajj & Umrah Services for more than a decade.

I have extracted some of the top rated operators here –

Al-Amanah Hajj & Umrah Ltd – Based in Greater London, Al-Amanah work with the aim of having the honor of serving pilgrims as a guest of Al-Rahman to the two Holy Mosques, and assisting each and every mutamir (pilgrim) to have a comfortable, trouble free and safe Umrah journey with sincere intention and hope of pleasing and gaining reward from Allah (SWT).

Official Website

Umrah and Hajj Specialist Ltd – An ATOL Protected Hajj & Umrah Travel agent based in Birmingham, UK providing customers with affordable Hajj and Umrah Packages each year. They are always dedicated in providing their customers with competitively priced Hajj and Umrah deals.

Official Website

Qibla Travels Ltd - Qibla Travels has established themselves as a leading Halal tour operator based in London UK, all their offering Hajj and Umrah packages are tailor made & as per varying needs of pilgrims. They are always committed to providing with the highest quality of service to make the pilgrimage memorable throughout the life.

Official Website



Nighat Khan
Hajj & Umrah

Assalamuâalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you.