HAKKA Weekly Update v38

Brand New Hakka Burner & Vesting Interface

Hakka Finance
2 min readAug 13, 2021


As we mentioned in this announcement, parts of the newly designed official website have been launched.

Today, we release new interfaces for Hakka Burner and Staking. First, let’s start with Hakka Burner.

Hakka Burner

Guild Bank & Hakka Burner

Guild Bank is a smart contract to store all the income earned by Hakka Finance. Hakka holders can call ragequit() function to burn their HAKKA token and draw funds from Guild Bank proportionally.

We built Hakka Burner to simplify this process to let you know how many assets you can get by burning Hakka in a visual way.

ETH, MKR, BHSc$, USDC are existing assets in Guild Bank. If there are other different tokens in the future, you can add them manually by the “add token” button on the upper right.

Here’s the link to Hakka burner: https://hakka.finance/guildbank


As a decentralized project, it’s important to distribute our governance token — Hakka — to the community. You can get Hakka rewards by participating in our liquidity mining program, using our products like Hakka Intelligence or harvesters, or contribute to the protocol.

However, we hope that rewards will be sent to long-term supporters; after voting by the community, we implemented the vesting mechanism. Here’s the new interface to check vesting balance and to claim vesting rewards.

Vesting dashboard

you can withdraw 17.38% of Hakka from VestingVault every 19 days. for more details, please visit our wiki: https://hakka-finance.gitbook.io/hakka-wiki/hakka-products/vesting-contract

Now, check out our new vesting interface: https://hakka.finance/vesting/

Newly designed Staking and Farm (Reward Pools) interfaces are still under development, stay tuned!



Hakka Finance

A DeFi ecosystem with remarkable products administered by the HAKKA token.