HAKKA Weekly Update v36

Staking Reward of sHAKKA & Staking Tutorial

Hakka Finance


Staking Reward of sHAKKA (3rd Month)

The Staking rewards for the 3rd month remain 6,000,000 HAKKA in this pool to incentivize HAKKA staking. As usual, these HAKKA rewards will be distributed under our vesting term to stabilize the circulation of HAKKA.

For more information on staking, please visit Introduce HAKKA Staking & sHAKKA.

Four Steps to Earn Staking Rewards

For the newcomers, let’s quickly recap the staking process and the way to get rewards.

Step 1. Stake HAKKA to get sHAKKA

Prepare your Hakka and stake it on https://staking.hakka.finance

Note that the longer you stake, the more sHAKKA you will get.

Step 2. Stake sHAKKA to the pool.

Stake sHAKKA to the reward pool (on the link below)


Note that the APY shown on the reward pools is calculated based on 1-year staking; if you choose a shorter staking time, real APY would be lower (decrease linearly)

Step 3. Claim Rewards to Vesting Contract

After staking, the reward would start to accrue (every block); you can click “Claim Reward” (on the link below) to transfer those HAKKA from the reward contract to vesting contract.


Step 4. Withdraw Rewards from Vesting Contract

Those HAKKA rewards in vesting contract will be distributed under our vesting term to stabilize the circulation of HAKKA.

You can withdraw around 17.38% of the vesting balance every 19 days on https://vesting.hakka.finance

That’s all! With HAKKA staking, you can earn more HAKKA while we are growing; also, you will be granted Voting Power to participate in HakkaDAO. Welcome to join us. Let us enrich the world of decentralized finance together.



Hakka Finance

A DeFi ecosystem with remarkable products administered by the HAKKA token.